User:Nathan Hawks
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
I am a professional vagabond with a high degree of self-education and experience in a variety of fields. I have worked as a news editor, a freelance web technologist, creative director of an aborted tabletop role-playing game, a manager of personnel, a teacher of children and tech support staffers, a business consultant, and many kinds of writer. Since late 2014, I dedicate most of my time to spreading political information via social media to aid a political revolution which preceded Senator Sanders and which, I hope, will outlast him. I helped organize anti-war activities from 2001 through 2004 and helped build a community arts center for at-risk youth in 2005. In 2016 I'm beginning to make yet another freelance career transition from web tech to comedy writing -- but this isn't part of that!
I admit: the Internet has made my punctuation skills quite rusty.
I've come to Citizendium because I want to be part of a wave of useful revulsion, as we come to recognize the corrupt influence of trusting monolithic organizations such as the New York Times, a stratum of thought-controllers which have proven time and again they do not have the public's interests at heart. When I realized Wikipedia considers NYT a "very reliable source" but will not allow the content of Freedom of Information Act responses, and recalled the number of times the Anti-Defamation League's dictates became the final word on any source critical of Israel or Zionism, I decided Wikipedia is a toxic place with a high risk of having a net negative effect regarding this crucial moment of global revolution and open class warfare.
I am a public "member" of "Anonymous" (scare quotes because, in the context implied by such a sentence, neither of those things actually exist in the traditional sense). By this I mean, I advocate and support some revolutionary acts of hacktivism taken in the Anonymous name, which have led to so many extremely heroic actions of factual public disclosure and disruption of harmful power. I am "Anonymous" without being anonymous because civil disobedience is part of the formula, and because those in the general public, who desperately want to understand these changing times, often require information and events to be given context from the mindset of "Anonymous", by non-bogeyman individuals they can relate to.
As a Jack-of-all-trades, I may be the best source for none; but every nerdy community needs skilled Johnny-on-the-Spot types to fill in the gaps. Let's show the world that the Internet isn't done making history -- not by a long shot!