Miniature wargame

Miniature wargame is an encompassing term referring to any game played with small models representing individuals, units of individuals, vehicles, ships, chariots, monsters, dragons, and many other fantasy/science fiction based entities.
This type of gaming supports two or more players. Typically players construct forces based on a point system. The participants play through turns based on the ruleset of the particular game they are playing. The victory conditions of the game typically vary by the scenario of the battle being played.
Miniature wargames range in scale of the miniatures being used. Common scales are 25mm and 28mm. Terrain used in the game is commonly accumulated from the model train hobby, therefore the scales found in that hobby (HO for example) is common.
Miniature wargames are typically played on a mat. The mat represents the field of battle, and depicts grass, dirt, snow, space, air, rocks, etc. The size of the mat needed for a game varies by system, but common sizes are 4'X4' and 6'X4'. Objects are placed on the mat to represent obstructions and geographical features. Common objects are houses, rock spires, hills, rivers, roads, tank traps, ruins, trees, etc.
Game Systems
Warhammer Fantasy Battle
Warhammer Fantasy Battle is produced by Games Workshop. This Miniature wargame system is designed for two players, though more can be supported, to play through typically six turns. This game is based in the fantasy genre and has wizards, dragons, magic, elves, mid evil weaponry, and many of the typical fantasy races. Typical game size is 2000 points, and typical army size ranges from 8 to 12 units.
A common scenario for a WFB game is a pitched battle, where the players simply try to eliminate as much of their opponent's force as possible without losing their own.
Warhammer 40K
Warhammer 40K is produced by Games Workshop. This Miniature wargame system is designed for two players, though more can be supported, to play through typically six turns. This game is based in the science fiction genre and has aliens, vehicles, tanks, guns, machines, etc. Typical game size is 1500 points, and typical army size ranges from 6 to 10 units.
A common scenario for a 40K game is a Cleanse, where the players try to eliminate each other while maintaining control of board quarters.
WARMACHINE is produced by Privateer Press. This Miniature wargame system is designed for two players, though more can be supported, to play through an unspecified number of turns. This game is based in the fantasy genre, focusing on wizard-like people, called warcasters, that control steam driven mechanical multi-ton machines called warjacks. Typical game size is 350 or 500 points, and typical battlegroups of 500 points consist of a warcaster, 1 to 3 warjacks, 0 to 2 solos, and 2 to 4 units.
A common scenario for a WARMACHINE game is where the players try to eliminate their opponent's warcaster.
HORDES is produced by Privateer Press. This Miniature wargame system is designed for two players, though more can be supported, to play through an unspecified number of turns. This game is based in the fantasy genre, focusing on wizard-like people, called warlocks, that control creatures called warbeasts. Typical game size is 350 or 500 points, and typical horde size of 500 points consist of a warlock, 1 to 3 warbeasts, 0 to 2 solos, and 2 to 4 units.
A common scenario for a HORDES game is where the players try to eliminate their opponent's warlock.