Eristicophis/Related Articles
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- See also changes related to Eristicophis, or pages that link to Eristicophis or to this page or whose text contains "Eristicophis".
Parent topics
- Viperinae [r]: (Pitless vipers, true vipers, Old World vipers); a subfamily of venomous vipers found in Europe, Asia and Africa, distinguished by their lack of the heat-sensing pit organs that characterize their sister group, the Crotalinae. [e]
Bot-suggested topics
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- Dorsal scales [r]: Longitudinal series of plates that encircle the body, but do not include the ventral scales on snakes. [e]
- Echis [r]: Quick-tempered viper genus of Africa, the Middle East, India and Sri Lanka that produce hemotoxic venom. [e]
- Rostral scale [r]: Median plate on the tip of the snout that borders the mouth opening, in snakes and other scaled reptiles. [e]
- Systematics [r]: The study of the diversity of organism characteristics, and how they relate via evolution. [e]
- Ventral scales [r]: Enlarged and transversely elongated scales in snakes, that extend down the underside of the body from the neck to the anal scale. [e]
- Atheris katangensis [r]: Venomous bush viper endemic to Congo; smallest member (< 40 cm) of genus Atheris. [e]
- Echis carinatus sochureki [r]: Venomous viper subspecies of the genus Echis, found in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and parts of the Arabian Peninsula. [e]
- J. B. S. Haldane [r]: (1892-1964) One of the founders of theoretical population genetics and widely known for his work in enzyme kinetics. [e]
- Daboia [r]: A monotypic genus created for a venomous viper species, D. russelii. [e]
- Atheris katangensis [r]: Venomous bush viper endemic to Congo; smallest member (< 40 cm) of genus Atheris. [e]
- Echis carinatus sochureki [r]: Venomous viper subspecies of the genus Echis, found in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and parts of the Arabian Peninsula. [e]
- J. B. S. Haldane [r]: (1892-1964) One of the founders of theoretical population genetics and widely known for his work in enzyme kinetics. [e]
- Daboia [r]: A monotypic genus created for a venomous viper species, D. russelii. [e]