Austria/Related Articles: Difference between revisions

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(→‎International: fixed link)
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{{r|Austro-Hungarian Empire}
{{r|Austro-Hungarian Empire}}
{{r|Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye}}
{{r|Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye}}
{{r|Treaty of Trianon}}
{{r|Treaty of Trianon}}
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{{r|U.S. policy towards Austria}}
{{r|U.S. policy towards Austria}}
{{r|Austrian policy towards the U.S.}}
{{r|Austrian policy towards the U.S.}}
{{r|Vienna (Austria)}}
{{r|Vienna (Austria)}}

Revision as of 09:53, 10 February 2024

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Austria.
See also changes related to Austria, or pages that link to Austria or to this page or whose text contains "Austria".

Parent topics

  • Europe [r]: Sixth largest continent; area 10,000,000 km2; pop. 720,000,000 [e]
  • European Union [r]: Political and economic association of 27 European states. [e]
  • Europe [r]: Sixth largest continent; area 10,000,000 km2; pop. 720,000,000 [e]




  • Vienna (Austria) [r]: Capital city of Austria, in the northeastern part of the country on the Danube River. [e]



  • Vienna Circle [r]: Group of philosophers, scientists, and mathematicians formed in the 1920s that met regularly in Vienna to investigate scientific language and scientific method. [e]



Other related topics

Bot-suggested topics

Auto-populated based on Special:WhatLinksHere/Austria. Needs checking by a human.