VENONA/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about VENONA.
See also changes related to VENONA, or pages that link to VENONA or to this page or whose text contains "VENONA".

Parent topics


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  • Clandestine human-source intelligence [r]: clandestine operations by people who secretly collect intelligence, and their support by couriers, forgers, radio operators, and other operational personnel. [e]
  • Cryptanalysis [r]: The sub-field of cryptology which deals with breaking into existing codes and ciphers. [e]
  • Economic warfare [r]: The use of principally non-military methods to impose national policy, when those methods deal in the broad sense of economics, such as embargoes, freezing assets, and buying up raw materials. It may be complemented by military means such as intercepting supply shipments or attacking factories. [e]
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation [r]: The principal U.S. Federal police agency, part of the U.S. Department of Justice and the United States intelligence community , who has arrest authority, and is the primary authority for a variety of domestic crimes, civilian counterespionage within the United States, and organized crime [e]