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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Thomas Hobbes.
See also changes related to Thomas Hobbes, or pages that link to Thomas Hobbes or to this page or whose text contains "Thomas Hobbes".

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  • Aristotle [r]: (384-322 BCE) Ancient Greek philosopher and scientist, and one of the most influential figures in the western world between 350 BCE and the sixteenth century. [e]
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  • Cogito ergo sum [r]: René Descartes' most famous catchphrase: "I think, therefore I am". [e]
  • Deism [r]: A religious philosophy which holds that religious beliefs must be founded on human reason and observed features of the natural world, and that these sources reveal the existence of a God or supreme being. [e]
  • England [r]: The largest and southernmost country in the United Kingdom, and location of the largest city and seat of government, London; population about 51,000,000. [e]
  • Ethics [r]: The branch of philosophy dealing with standards of good and evil. [e]
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  • George Croom Robertson [r]: (1842–1892) Scottish philosopher; editor of Mind. [e]
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  • John Locke [r]: (1632–1704) English empiricist philosopher. [e]
  • Law [r]: Body of rules of conduct of binding legal force and effect, prescribed, recognized, and enforced by a controlling authority. [e]
  • Louis XIV [r]: Longest reigning (1643-1715) King of France whose expensive foreign wars were distastrous. [e]