Talk:Lucien Conein

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 Workgroup categories Military and History [Editors asked to check categories]
 Subgroup categories:  Vietnam and Intelligence
 Talk Archive none  English language variant American English
To do.

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This had started as something of a side subarticle

But I've been enjoying it, and am now waiting for a few interlibrary loan references. More needs to be done on the 1963 coup, to make Conein's role clear, as opposed to the general political climate, the roles of Diem, Lodge, etc. Howard C. Berkowitz 17:30, 21 November 2008 (UTC)

check out the real truth behind the JFK assassination

by the great Charles McCarry ( in his 1974 novel about Paul Christopher called The Tears of Autumn. Conein sounds to me like one of the noms de guerre of Christopher....

I'll try to track it down. Meanwhile, I have found an old Analog with a story entitled "Taking the Fifth." Not having started it, that's about a thief at a liquor store, right? Howard C. Berkowitz 00:02, 23 November 2008 (UTC)
Hehe. One of my favorite stories. Years later, the editor of Analog sent me a 1/2 page ad from the NYT that replicated the description of my own ad in the story, 100%. Unfortunately, the other parts of the story weren't replicated.... Hayford Peirce 04:24, 23 November 2008 (UTC)