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 Definition A eukaryotic organism, classified into the kingdom Fungi, that is heterotrophic and digest their food externally, and may be a yeast, mold, or mushroom. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup category Biology [Categories OK]
 Subgroup categories:  Microbiology and Infectious Disease
 Talk Archive none  English language variant British English

I suppose this article is going to be a strictly biological introduction to the realm "fungi". I suggest there should be a "mushroom" article, dedicated to people who like mushroom hunting (and cooking-eating, of course). I might start working on it, and I'd like to start from the version in the Italian WP: many mushroom experts there and the page is very well structured.

I have a question, though: is mushroom an adequate title? Here I need help from some English-speaking guy. As far as I know, "mushroom" is any fruiting body. But it seems someone uses "mushroom" for edible varieties, or (even more strict) for those fungi you find at the market.

Any suggestions?

Nereo Preto 11:31, 23 January 2007 (CST)