Medium range ballistic missile/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Medium range ballistic missile.
See also changes related to Medium range ballistic missile, or pages that link to Medium range ballistic missile or to this page or whose text contains "Medium range ballistic missile".

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  • Art Lundahl [r]: (1915 - 1992) American aerial-photography expert whose detection of missile installations in Cuba in 1962 led to the Cuban missile crisis. [e]
  • Ballistic missile [r]: A guided missile which, once its engines stop firing, follows a generally parabolic path to its target, defined by momentum, aerodynamic resistance, and gravity [e]
  • Cuban Missile Crisis [r]: Probably the closest the U.S. and Soviet Union came to nuclear war, a confrontation, in October 1962, when Soviet missiles were discovered in Cuba, and eventually removed through a naval show of force and diplomatic maneuvering [e]
  • Guided missile [r]: A weapon that flies through air or space, under its own power, which adjusts its course to hit its target. [e]