KH-11 KENNAN/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about KH-11 KENNAN.
See also changes related to KH-11 KENNAN, or pages that link to KH-11 KENNAN or to this page or whose text contains "KH-11 KENNAN".

Parent topics

  • Imagery intelligence [r]: the practice of taking and interpreting visible and infrared light photographs and video, radar imagery, and other ways to form pictures of subjects of interest [e]
  • Reconnaissance satellite [r]: A satellite which provides images of the Earth and monitors electronic emissions of terrestrial and airborne communications and radar systems. [e]
  • National Reconnaissance Office [r]: An agency of the United States intelligence community , which designs, procures, launches, and operates intelligence satellites and certain aircraft/UAV platforms. It does not analyze their output. [e]


Other related topics