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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Guam.
See also changes related to Guam, or pages that link to Guam or to this page or whose text contains "Guam".

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  • B-2 Spirit (bomber) [r]: Add brief definition or description
  • Bomber aircraft [r]: Airplanes optimized to deliver weapons to surface targets, rather than to fight other airplanes. [e]
  • Chester Nimitz [r]: United States Navy admiral (1885-1966) who was Commander in Chief, Pacific and Pacific Ocean Areas in World War II [e]
  • Combat loading [r]: A method of loading cargo into ships that will carry it to amphibious landing sites, such that can be unloaded in a manner optimized to meet the operational needs of combat rather than maximizing the utilization of the ship's cargo space [e]
  • Diego Garcia [r]: The largest island of the Chagos Islands, British Indian Ocean Territory (B.I.O.T.), which has had all native inhabitants removed, and is a major U.S. military base; it is the base for a prepositioning ship squadron and a forward base for bomber aircraft and air refueling tankers [e]
  • Eighth Air Force [r]: The organization currently "owning" the bombers, information operations, and most intelligence aircraft of the United States Air Force; it conducted strategic bombing against Germany in the Second World War [e]
  • Extinction [r]: The complete elimination of a species. [e]
  • Ferdinand Magellan [r]: Add brief definition or description
  • Guadalcanal campaign [r]: The first Allied offensive campaign of the Pacific theater in WWII, fought August 7, 1942 and February 9, 1943; Allied victory [e]
  • Japanese language [r]: (日本語 Nihongo), Japonic language spoken mostly in Japan; Japonic family's linguistic relationship to other tongues yet to be established, though Japanese may be related to Korean; written in a combination of Chinese-derived characters (漢字 kanji) and native hiragana (ひらがな) and katakana (カタカナ) scripts; about 125,000,000 native speakers worldwide. [e]
  • Marshall Islands [r]: Formerly a U.S. trust territory, site of major Japanese bases in WWII, and then used for U.S. nuclear testing after the war; now a semi-independent facility with local government but the U.S. in control of foreign policy; the U.S. operates large ballistic missile defense test ranges [e]
  • Naval Station Guantanamo Bay [r]: The overall United States Navy leased facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, which contains the Guantanamo Bay detention camp but also other unrelated military functions such as supporting naval patrols in the Caribbean [e]
  • Obama administration [r]: The policy making organization lead by President Barack Obama. [e]
  • Okinawa Islands [r]: (沖縄諸島 Okinawa-shotoo) group of Japanese islands including Okinawa Island in the Ryukyu Islands chain; many are uninhabited. [e]
  • Okinawa Island [r]: (沖縄本島 Okinawa-hontoo) largest island of Okinawa prefecture in the Japanese Ryukyu Islands chain, with Naha (那覇市 Naha-shi) its capital. [e]
  • Pacific Ocean [r]: the largest single mass of water in the world, lying between Asia and Australia on its west, and North America and South America on its east. [e]
  • Prepositioning ship [r]: Military cargo ships, normally in squadrons of several vessels, that are prepositioned at secure forward locations, in order to speed delivery of sustainment supplies to the initial forces landed by air or from combat amphibious warfare ships. [e]
  • Spanish language [r]: A Romance language widely spoken in Spain, its current and former territories, and the United States of America. [e]