Unidentified flying object

- See also: Extraterrestrial intelligence
Unidentifed Flying Objects or UFOs are anything that flies that can not be identified. UFOs sightings are classified according to shape, type and distance from the observer.
UFOs were also known as Flying Saucers after Associated Press reporter Bill Bequette that the objects behaved like a rock or saucer. This was in reference to airplane pilot Kenneth Arnold's 1947 UFO sighting. A headline writer coined the term Flying Saucer and the name stuck. The objects Arnold reported were crescent, not saucer, shaped but the name Flying Saucer was used to describe them.[1]
UFO Classification
Some classifications of sightings specifically assume not only an object that could not be explained, but indications of a nonhuman intelligence, either extraterrestrial or terrestrial but paranormal.
Hynek's Classification
- Nocturnal Disks: Objects seen in the night sky. This is the most commonly reported UFO sighting.
- Daylight Disks: UFOs that could be seen flying high in the sky or close to the ground. Oval or round disks are commonly seen with this type of UFO sighting.
- Radar Visual: UFOs that are seen on radar screens while also being visually confirmed by eyewitnesses on the ground.
- Close Encounter of the First Kind: UFOs that are seen within 200 yards of the witness. There is no interaction between the witness and the UFO.
- Close Encounter of the Second Kind: Electrical equipment such as a car ignition may operate strangely. Other electrical equipment may malfunction while the UFO is present. Other forms of interaction may include physical effects to plants, animals or human beings. There could be traces of burned grass for example in a Close Encounter of the Second Kind.
- Close Encounter of the Third Kind: Seeing humanoid like creatures associated with the UFO. There is usually no interaction between the human witness and the humanoid. In some reports there have been interactions reported between the UFO witness and the humanoids.[2]
- Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: Interaction between the UFO witness and abduction by humaonid entities.[3]
Jacques Vallee's UFO Classification
- AN1: Viewing anomalous lights or explosions in the sky that do not affect the witness or the environment.
- AN2: Reports that show lasting effects such as flattened grass, poltergeist activity or anomalous photographs.
- AN3: Cases that include entities. This could include ghosts, yetis (Abominable Snowman), elves, spirits and crytozoology.
- AN4: The witness reports interaction with the entities within the reality of the entities themselves. This type of experience could include Near Death Experiences, religious visions and out-of-body experiences (OBEs).[4]
Government investigation
After the Second World War, the U.S. and other government investigated reports.
Project Blue Book
Central Intelligence Agency
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents indicate that the agency monitoried the unidentified flying object (UFO) situation starting in 1952. Air Force specialists met, in 1967, with Art Lundahl, the dean of photographic interpretation.
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The meeting was allowed to discuss classified material through the SECRET level. NPIC established ground rules:
- "Any work performed by NPIC to assist Dr. Condon in his investigation will not be identified as work accomplished by CIA. Dr. Condon was advised by Mr. Lundahl to make no reference to CIA in regard to this work effort. Dr. Condon stated that if he felt it necessary to obtain an official CIA comment he would make a separate distinct entry into CIA not related to contacts he has with NPIC.
- "NPIC will not prepare any written comments, will not analyze information with the intent of drawing a conclusion, nor prepare written reports. NPIC personnel will be available to assist Dr. Condon by performing work of photogrammetric nature, such as attempting to measure objects imaged on photographs that may be part of Dr. Condon's analysis. Work performed by NPIC will be strictly of a technical nature using services and equipment generally not available elsewhere."
In summary, "At about 1235 the group adjourned to lunch and following lunch they left NPIC for a meeting with Brig.Gen Gillers at the Pentagon.
- "Most all the discussion during the morning was of an unclassified nature dealing with primary basic fundamentals of photogrammetry, photographic analysis and problems related to the acquiring of enough information to conduct meaningful analyses."
Condon and the same group met again in May 1967 at NPIC to hear an analysis of UFO photographs taken at Zanesville, Ohio. The analysis debunked that sighting. The committee was again impressed with the technical work performed, and Condon remarked that for the first time a scientific analysis of a UFO would stand up to investigation.