Sathya Sai Baba/Bibliography
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- "House of Miracles", Sunday 24 March 2002, Durban news, Sunday Times
- "Sai Baba hospital: A refuge to millions" (author unknown) in The Times of India, May 1, 2001 Available online
- "Seduced" TV documentary produced by Danish Radio broadcasted on 30 January 2002 at 8:05 pm. transcript Available online
- Aitken, Bill. Miracle of Welfare The Week (27 November 2005) Available online
- Babb, Lawrence A. Sathya Sai Baba's Magic in Anthropological Quarterly, Vol. 56, No. 3 (Jul., 1983), pp. 116-124
- Babb, Lawrence Redemptive Encounters: Three Modern Styles in the Hindu Tradition. Berkeley University of California Press, 1986 (also published by Waveland press, 2000 ISBN 1577661532 )
- Bailey, David. A Journey To Love Book 2: Love and Marriage, 1988 ISBN 81-86822-60-7
- Bailey, David. A Journey To Love, 1996 ISBN 81-86822-04-6
- Bailey, Faye. Another Journey To Love: Experiences with Sathya Sai Baba, 1998 ISBN 81-86822-40-2"
- Bakshi, Rekha . India Express, "Sai Baba in a DDA flat?" Available online
- Bowen, David (1988) The Sathya Sai Baba Community in Bradford: Its origins and development, religious beliefs and practices. Leeds: University Press.
- Brooke, Tal. Avatar of the night, ISBN 1-930045-00-X
- Brown Mick. The Spiritual Tourist Bloomsbury Publishing 1998 ISBN 1-58234-034-X
- Brown, Mick. Divine Downfall, The Daily Telegraph, 28 October 2000, Available online
- Chandaraju, Aruna. in the Deccan Herald: "Where service comes first " January 17, 2006 Available online
- Datta,Tanya Sai Baba: God-man or con man? published by BBC News on 17 June, 2004 available online (retrieved 24 February 2007)
- Draft Report of the Peer Team on Institutional Accreditation of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (Deemed University) Vidyagiri, Prashanthi Nilayam – 515 134 (A.P) Visit Dates: December 2 – 4, 2002 Available online: DOC File.
- Eijk, Piet van der. Dutch original under the title "De Wonderdoener"/"The Miracle Monger" in the magazine HP/De Tijd, dated 31 January 1992, pages. 46-50
- Ginnie Mahajan/Brajesh Kumar, DNA World, A holy furore rages in Britain, Available online
- Goldberg, Michelle. Untouchable 25 July 2001 in
- Haraldsson, Erlendur. Miracles are my visiting cards - An investigative inquiry on Sathya Sai Baba, an Indian mystic with the gift of foresight believed to perform modern miracles (1997 revised and updated edition published by Sai Towers, Prashanti Nilayam, India) ISBN 81-86822-32-1
- Hislop, John S. Conversations with Sathya Sai Baba San Diego Birth Day Publishing 1978, ISBN 0-9600958-5-3
- Hislop, John S. My Baba and I 1985 published by Birth Day Publishing Company, San Diego, California ISBN 0-960-0958-8-8
- Hummel, Reinhart. Guru, Miracle Worker, Religious Founder: Sathya Sai Baba'German article published in Materialdienst der EZW, 47 Jahrgang, 1 February 1984, Translation by Linda W. Duddy and is reprinted by their permission, available online on the website of the Dialog Center, a Christian Anti-Cult Site
- India Today, "A God Accused", December 04, 2000 cover story Available online
- Jayaram, A. The Hindu: Vajpayee hits out at high cost of medicare January 20, 2001 Available online
- Karanjia, R.K. Interview given by Sathya Sai Baba to R.K. Karanjia of Blitz News Magazine in September of 1976, Available online
- Karunanayake, Dr. Gamini M.B.B.S. Island Lanka Newspaper, "The Aura of Sri Sathya Sai Baba" by by Dr. Gamini Karunanayake M.B.B.S. (Cey.) D.I.H. R.C.P. (Lond). R.C.S. (Eng), Available online
- Kasturi, Narayana Easwaramma - The Chosen Mother of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. 1984 Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publication Trust, 1984 ISBN 81-7208-066-2
- Kasturi, Narayana. "Sathyam Sivam Sundaram" Volume I, Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publications Trust, ISBN 81-7208-127-8, Available online
- Kasturi, Narayana. "Sathyam, Shivam, Sundaram", ISBN 1-57836-077-3
- Kasturi, Narayana. “Sathyam Sivam Sundaram” Volume I 1961 “Chapter “Moves in His Game”
- Kasturi, Narayana. M.A., B.L. Sathyam Sivam Sundaram - Part II: The Life of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba 1973:88-89 Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publications Trust, ISBN 81-7208-127-8
- Kennedy, Dominic. The Times (England), 27 August 2001 ”Suicide, sex and the guru” Available online Available online
- Kennedy, Dominic. The Times British News, 27 August 2001 ”I sought peace and couldn't find it” Available online &
- Kennedy, Dominic. The Times 'Three die after putting faith in guru 27 August 2001 Available online
- Kennedy, Terry. In Deccan Herald: "Sathya Sai's birthday celebrations on" by , November 23 2005, Available online
- Kent, Alexandra Divinity and Diversity: a Hindu revitalization movement in Malaysia, Copenhagen Nias Press, first published in 2005, ISBN 8791114403,
- Kester, Sacha. "Ticket naar Nirvana"/"Ticket to Nirvana", article in the Dutch Newspaper De Volkskrant 7 January 2003
- Knott, Kim Dr. South Asian Religions in Britain page 766, Table 22.1 Principal Sectarian movements in Britain and their primary characteristics in the Handbook of Living Religions edited by John R. Hinnels (1997), second edition, ISBN 0-14-051480-5
- Krishnamoorthy, M. The Star, "Enlightening experience in India", Available online
- Lewis, Paul. The Guardian, The Indian living god, the paedophilia claims and the Duke of Edinburgh awards, November 4 2006, page 3, Available online
- Lochtefeld, James G., The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Vol. I ISBN 0-8239-3179-X, New York Rosen 2002, entry “Godman”
- Mahesh,Chitra in the The Hindu, January 4, 2002 "Day of introspection at Puttaparthi" Available online.
- Murphet, Howard. "Man of Miracles" first published in 1971, Published in June 1977 by Weiser Books ISBN 0877283354
- Nagel, Alexandra (note: Nagel is a critical former follower) "De Sai Paradox: Tegenstrijdigheden van en rondom Sathya Sai Baba"/"The Sai Paradox contradictions of and surrounding Sathya Sai Baba" from the magazine "Religieuze Bewegingen in Nederland, 'Sekten' "/"Religious movements in the Netherlands, 'Cults/Sects' ", 1994, nr. 29. published by the Free University Amsterdam press, (1994) ISBN 90-5383-341-2
- Nagel, Alexandra (note: Nagel is a critical former follower) Een mysterieuze ontmoeting... :Sai Baba en mentalist Wolf Messing published in Tijdschrift voor Parapsychologie 368, vol. 72 nr. 4, December 2005, pp. 14-17 (Dutch language)
- Nair, Yogas, "Raisins, ash raise eyebrows", The Post 19 April 2006, Available online
- Padmanaban, R. Love is my form, Vol. 1, The Advent (1926-1950), Bangalore: Sai Towers Publishing, 2000: pages 68, 132-133
- Places to see at Puttaparthi. Referenced from official Sathya Sai Organization website, Available online
- Pillay, Prinella. Divine Blessing: It’s a miracle, says family 17 March 2004 in the newspaper Post South Africa Available online
- Ramakrishnan R. Chennai Online, "Sri Sathya Sai Baba: A living Legend"
- Rao, Manu B.S. Sai Baba lashes out at detractors. Times of India 26 December 2000
- Rao, Manu The Times Of India: Super-Specialty hospital touches 2.5 lakh cases by, Available online
- Sai Educare Website, authorized by the Sathya Sai Organization, Available online.
- Sathya Sai Baba Shiva Shakthi, on Gurupournima Day, 6 July 1963, in Sathya Sai Speaks III 5, 19.) Available online
- Sathya Sai Trust gets most foreign donations in rediff August 16, 2003 available online retrieved 12 Feb. 2007
- Sathya Sai Baba "The Revelation", Sathya Sai Speaks VI, 210-213, 17 May 1968 Available online
- Sathya Sai Baba, Discourse on 15 October 1999, Available online
- Sathya Sai Baba, Discourse on 26 September 2000, Available online
- Sathya Sai Baba, Guru Purnima Discourse, 3 July 1993, Keep Truth as Your Aim: Available online
- Sathya Sai Baba, Public discourse by Sathya Sai Baba on 23 November 1968 (also published in Samuel Sandweiss 1972 book Sai Baba: The Holy man and the psychiatrist Part II Coming Home) Available online on the website of the Sathya Sai organization
- Sathya Sai Baba's brother dies article on 18 October 2003 in The Hindu retrieved March 2006
- Sathya Sai Baba's younger brother dies article on 18 October. 2003 in The Times of India retrieved March 2006
- Sathya Sai Org: Numbers to Sai Centers and Names of Countries
- Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. I, 31:198; Prashanthi Nilayam (29-9-1960) Sathya Sai Geetha iii Available online (pdf file)
- Sathyam, Shivam and Sundaram Mandirs On Offical website Available online
- Sathya Sai Baba, Discourse on 25 December 2000 Available online (pdf file)
- Schulman, Arnold. Baba 1971, ISBN 0-670-14343-X.
- Secret Swami BBC TV documentary, June 2004, Transcript available online
- Seshadri, Hiramalini The Hindu: Project Water by Hiramalini Seshadri, June 25 2003, Available online.
- Seshadri, Hiramalini The Week: Showers of Grace by Hiramalini Seshadri, May 26 2002 Available online.
- Shakuntala Balu "Living Divinity" London Sawbridge 1984 ISBN 0-907555-00-4
- Sri Sathya Sai Baba - A Living Legend - An Embodiment Of Love For All Mankind, Letter from A.B. Vajpayee (the then Prime Minister of India), Available online
- Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur Campus, from an Official Sathya Sai site, Available online
- Swallow, Deborah A. 1982 Ashes and Powers: myth, rite and miracle in an Indian God-man's cult. In Modern Asian Studies 16, pages 128-58.
- Taylor, Donald. "Charismatic authority in the Sathya Sai Baba movement" in Richard Burghart (ed.), Hinduism in Great Britain:: The perpetuation of religion in an alien cultural milieu, (1987) London/New York: Tavistock Publications, ISBN 978-0422609104
- The ashrams of Sathya Sai Baba. Referenced from the official Sathya Sai Organization website, Available online
- The Hindu, "A 5-point recipe for happiness", by Our Staff Reporter, November 24 2006 Available online
- The Hindu, "Saibaba Gospel Goes On Air", November 24 2001, by Our Staff Reporter Available online
- The Hindu, "Warm welcome to PM at Puttaparthi", by Our Staff Reporter, February 12 2004 Available online
- The Hindu, Water, the Elixir of life, November 2005 Available online.
- The Hindu: Chennai benefits from Sai Baba's initiative by Our Special Correspondent, December 1 2004, Available online
- The Hindu: City colleges cheer NAAC rating, June 8 2006, Available online.
- The Hindu: Healing with Love and Compassion, November 23 2005, Available online
- The Hindu: Water projects: CM all praise for Satya Sai Trust by Our Staff Reporter, February 13 2004, Available online
- Times Of India, "Sai hospital to host health meet on Saturday", January 14 2002Available online
- Times Of India, "Sathya Sai Baba Trust to set up second superspecialty hospital at Bangalore", May 29 2000
- Velde, Koert van der. "De ondergang van een goeroe, Sai Baba"/"The Downfall of a guru, Sai Baba" 6 September 2000 in the Dutch newspaper Trouw
- Woodhead, Linda & Fletcher Paul. Religion in the Modern World: Traditions and Transformation. Routledge (UK), ISBN 0-415-21784-9
By Sathya Sai Baba
Note: the books often do not mention year of publication.
- Bhagavatha Vahini - The story of God and his Devotees
- Ramakatha Rasavahini. Part 1 - The Rama story, Stream of Sacred Sweetness
- Ramakatha Rasavahini. Part 2 - The Rama story, Stream of Sacred Sweetness
- Gîtâ Vahini: The Divine Gospel
- Dhyana Vahini: Practice of Meditation
- Dharma Vahini: The Path of Virtue
- Jnana Vahini: The Stream of Eternal Wisdom
- Leela Kaivalya Vahini: The Cosmic Play of God
- Prashanthi Vahini: The Bliss of Supreme Peace
- Prasnotthara Vahini: Answers to Spiritual Questions
- Prema Vahini: The Stream of Divine Love
- Sandeha Nivarini: Clearance of Spiritual Doubts
- Sathya Sai Vahini: Spiritual Message of Sathya Sai
- Sutra Vahini: Analytical Aphorisms on Supreme Reality
- Upanishad Vahini: Essence of Vedic Knowledge
- Vidya Vahini: Flow of Spiritual Education
- Bhagavatha Vahini
Devotional literature
- Antonov, Vladimir PhD "Sathya Sai — the Christ of Our Days", 'Zolotoy Vek', Saint Petersburg, 1997
- Balu, V. and Shakuntala Balu Divine Glory -2nd Edition, Sri Satguru Publications(Delhi), ISBN 81-7030-640-X
- Baskin, Diana "Divine Memories of Sathya Sai Baba" (1990) ISBN 1-878599-00-3
- Priddy, Robert "Source of the Dream" Weiser Books (1998) ISBN 1-57863-028-2 (wrote a critical book as former follower)
- Goldthwait, John "Purifying the Heart" (2002) ISBN 81-7208-339-4
- Guillemin, Madeleine "Who Is In The Driving Seat?" (2000) ISBN 0-9583617-0-3
- Hislop, John "My Baba And I" ISBN 81-7208-050-6 Available online (zip file, 787 kb)
- Krystal, Phyllis "The Ultimate Experience" ISBN 81-7208-038-7
- Mazzoleni Don Mario "A Catholic Priest Encounters Sai Baba" (1994) ISBN 0-9629835-1-9
- Murphet, Howard "Man of Miracles" (1971) ISBN 0-333-91770-7
- Padmanaban, Ranganathan "Love Is My Form" Sai Towers (2000) ISBN 81-86822-76-3
- Sandweiss, Samuel H "Spirit And The Mind" (1985) ISBN 81-7208-056-5
- Sandweiss, Samuel H. "The Holy Man ... And The Psychiatrist" (1975) ISBN 0-9600958-1-0
- Thomas, Joy "Life is a Game – Play it" ISBN 81-7208-175-8
With much biographical material
- Kasturi, Narayana "Sathyam Sivam Sundaram" Volume I (first published in 1961) Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publications Trust, ISBN 81-7208-127-8, II, III, IV (official biography but is in fact a hagiography)
- Schulman, Arnold "Baba" (1971) Out of print. ISBN 0-670-14343-X.
- Steel, Brian The Powers of Sathya Sai Baba (1999) ISBN 81-7646-080-X
- Steel, Brian The Satya Sai Baba Compendium: A Guide to the First Seventy Years (Paperback) Weiser Books (February, 1997) ISBN 0-87728-884-4
Scholarly and scientific
- Babb, Lawrence A. Sathya Sai Baba’s Saintly Play, in Saints and Virtues, J.S. Hawley (ed.), Berkeley, California University of California Press 1987, pages 168-186.
- Shepherd, Kevin R.D. "Investigating the Sai Baba Movement: A Clarification of Misrepresented Saints and Opportunism" (2005) ISBN 0-9525089-3-1
Research of miracles
- Beyerstein, Dale "Sai Baba's miracles: an overview", Published by Basava Premanand, Podanur, India, (1994)
- Haraldsson, Erlendur PhD "Miracles are my visiting cards - An investigative inquiry on Sathya Sai Baba, an Indian mystic with the gift of foresight believed to perform modern miracles" (first published in 1987, 1997 revised and updated edition) ISBN 81-86822-32-1
- Sharma, Arvind New Religious Movements in India in New Religious Movements and Rapid Social Change edited by James A. Beckford ISBN 0-8039-8591-6, pages 228-231, 233
Critical literature by former followers
- Brooke, Tal "Lord of the Air", first published in 1976 with a revised edition was released in 1990. Revised and renamed "Avatar of the Night" (1999) ISBN 1-930045-00-X
- Brooke, Tal "Riders of the Cosmic Circuit" (1986) ISBN 0-7459-1217-6
- Premanand, Basava "The Murders in Sai Baba's bedroom" (2001)
- Priddy, Robert "The End of the Dream", published and edited by Basava Premanand, Podanur, India, (2004) (wrote a devotional book while still a former follower)
- Brown, Mick "The Spiritual Tourist" Bloomsbury Publishing (1998) ISBN 1-58234-034-X