CZ:Guidel 2008 summer course on Music and Brain
This page serves as a central forum for the Music and Brain course at the Guidel 2008 summer academy of the German National Merit Foundation.
The course is organized by Daniel Mietchen (Citizendium page/ lab page) and Stefan Koelsch (Citizendium page/ lab page).
It has two major aims – it seeks to provide participants with
- an up-to-date overview about how the brain perceives and produces music (and how these processes can be investigated) and
- an insider experience in a cross-disciplinary collaborative learning environment.
The task for each participant is to give a presentation on a topic relevant to music perception and cognition (see list below), and to assist at least one other participant in the preparation of their presentation.
Further than that, we wish to encourage participants to share the knowledge they gain in the preparation of their talks, preferably by creating an encyclopedic wiki entry about their respective topics. The language of the course will be German, and so the German Wikipedia would be one option for sharing but Wikipedia has a number of drawbacks, most notably vandalism, whereas Citizendium's policy (e.g. requiring real names) drastically reduces or effectively eliminates such problems. Most of the topics covered in the course do not have an entry yet in either of the Wikipedias or Citizendium, while the few entries that exist are of rather poor quality or very short, such that they will have to be re-written or expanded anyway. Under these circumstances, we deem Citizendium (which currently has only an English language version) to be most suited for the course.
Since we have 26 participants and only 20 sessions, there might be two presentations in some sessions, or those who do not present any topic can engage in other activities, e.g. by providing suitable video materials to the presenters or by spell-checking and expanding the course's Citizendium entries. German will be allowed on this page and its subpages.
30 June 2008 -- Topic selection
4 July 2008 -- References due
15 August 2008 -- Rough draft due
31 August 2008 -- Final draft due
7-20 September 2008 -- Guidel summer academy (9-13h on working days, with a coffee break around 10.30-11.00, hence ca. 2x90min)
9 November 2008 -- Release of the course's articles to the CZ community
Further suggested contributions
Music psychology: The study of how, when, where and why people engage in music and dance. [e] (Everybody invited to collaborate, particularly those who do not present)
- Music jokes: Jokes about music and musicians. [e] (Everybody invited to collaborate, particularly those who do not present)
Further suggestions here
- Paul Broca: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Korbinian Brodmann: (1868 - 1918) A German physician known for his foundational work on the cytoarchitecture of the cerebral cortex in primates. [e] (Test user would like to collaborate)
Noam Chomsky: American linguist, MIT professor and political activist. [e] (Test user would like to collaborate)
Charles Darwin: (1809 – 1882) English natural scientist, most famous for proposing the theory of natural selection. [e] (Test user would like to collaborate)
William Gardiner: (1770–1853) An English musician who made Beethoven known to England. [e] (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Konrad Lorenz: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
Ernst Mayr: (1904-2005) German biologist and major proponent of evolutionary philosophy. [e] (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Hugo Riemann: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Curt Sachs: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Günter Tembrock: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Nikolaas Tinbergen: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Alexander von Humboldt: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
Alfred Russel Wallace: (1823 – 1913) British explorer and naturalist, discovered the principle of natural selection independently of Darwin. [e] (Test user would like to collaborate)
Related topics
Other relevant topics are listed here.
- Amusia: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Auditory cortex: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Auditory illusions: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
Auditory system: A sensory system used by animals for the processing of sound pressure variation. [e] (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Babbling: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Birdsong: Vocalizations that birds learn. [e] (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Brain function: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Cochlea: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
Dance: A continuous and mentally organised sequence of (body) movements containing an expressive character. [e] (Test user would like to collaborate)
Ear: The organ that detects sound. [e] (Test user would like to collaborate)
Entrainment: The synchronization of different individual organisms to an external rhythm, usually in the framework of social interactions. [e] (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Ethnomusicology: The study of music in its cultural context. [e] (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Focal dystonia: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- FOXP2: A regulatory gene on human chromosome 7, involved in language disorders. [e] (Test user would like to collaborate)
Harmony: Simultaneous pitches (tones, notes), or chords used in making music. [e] (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Larynx: The primary organ for sound production in mammals; also protects the trachea. [e] (Test User would like to collaborate)
- Limbic system: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Mirror neuron: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)s
- Modularity of the mind: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Music as a tool: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to contribute)
- (cf., e.g., this paper or this one)
- Music and education: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to contribute)
- e.g. Campbell, P.S. (2003). "Ethnomusicology and Music Education: Crossroads for knowing music, education, and culture". Research Studies in Music Education 21 (1): 16. DOI:10.1177/1321103X030210010201. Research Blogging.
- Music classification: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Music composition: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Music description: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Music education: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to contribute)
- Music in education: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to contribute)
- Music performance: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Music reading: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Music universals: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
Musical instrument: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Noise: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to contribute)
- Physiological effects of music: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
Poetry: Add brief definition or description (concentrate on cognitive aspects; Test user would like to collaborate)
- Popular music: Add brief definition or description (concentrate on cognitive aspects; Test user would like to collaborate)
- Prosody: Add brief definition or description (concentrate on cognitive aspects; Test user would like to collaborate)
- Respiration control: Add brief definition or description (Test User would like to collaborate)
- Rhythm: Add brief definition or description ( Martin Schorb would like to collaborate)
- Social functions of music: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Sound description: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to contribute)
- Specific language impairment: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Tourette syndrome: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Unsolved problems in music psychology: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to contribute)
- Williams syndrome: Add brief definition or description (Test user would like to collaborate)
- Proof-reading of the seminar's articles for grammar, spelling and style (Test user would like to contribute)
- There might also be contributors who concentrate on populating the CZ:Subpages across topics:
- Providing the seminar's articles with Bibliographies (Test user would like to contribute)
- Providing the seminar's articles with External links (Test user would like to contribute)
- Providing the seminar's articles with Video material (Test user would like to contribute)
- Providing the seminar's articles with Audio material (Test user would like to contribute)
- Providing the seminar's articles with Music scores (Test user would like to contribute)
- Providing the seminar's articles with Illustrations (Test user would like to contribute)
- Providing the seminar's articles with Related Articles (Test user would like to contribute)
- Providing assistance to those who call for help (see section below)
- Anything else (please give details)
Calls for help
Please list here anything in which you would need help. Be precise."
- request by Felipe Gerhard: Maybe someone can provide some samples of "modern music" that would be interesting to probe our understanding of musical perception, e.g.:
- Igor Stravinsky: "The Rite of Spring" ("dissonant masterpiece")
- I will bring a recording by the NYOGB, conducted by Simon Rattle, with me (Johannes)
- Arnold Schoenberg: "Five Orchestral Pieces" ("little more than noise")
- Karlheinz Stockhausen: "Kontakte" ("manipulated electronic noise")
- I will bring a recording with me (Johannes)
- György Ligeti: "Atmospheres" ("incomprehensible power")
- I will bring a recording by the Berlin philharmonic orchestra, conducted by Jonathan Nott, with me (Johannes)
- Paul Hindemith ("quasi-mathematical laws of composition", Philip Ball)
- I could bring: Violin concerto, Symphonic Metamorphoses, Symphony Mathis the painter (Johannes)
- Pierre Boulez ("mathematical rigidity that almost sucks their music dry of expression", Philip Ball)
- Artur Honegger: 1st symphony ("slabs of sonic matter", Philip Ball)
- I will bring recordings by the SOBR, conducted by Charles Dutoit, with me (Johannes)
- Igor Stravinsky: "The Rite of Spring" ("dissonant masterpiece")
I need some help from people who are familiar with youtube ore things like that, because I am really not. My topic is Vocal Learning and I need some audio or video material about marine mammals and birds. In detail:
- seals (phocids) that imitate human speech (maybe e.g. captive phocids at the New England Aquarium) or at least their natural calls or songs
- cetaceans:
- toothed whales (odontocetes) that also imitate human speech / different sounds; or their natural calls/songs (e.g. bottlenose dolphin)
- songs of baleen whales (mysticetes), e.g. humpback whales
- "speaking" birds or birds that imitate the sounds of mobile phones.
- cetaceans:
- see Vocal learning/Video for two examples
thank you. Maria Jakuszeit 09:50, 31 August 2008 (CDT)
- A generally useful source on Vocal learning is the podcast of a lecture given by Erich Jarvis, one of the lead researchers investigating this topic.
Writing instructions
If you have never edited a wiki page, you may wish to read CZ:Quick Start and to play around a bit in the Citizendium sandbox or this course's sandbox -- you can't do any harm by changing anything in either of these. For those experienced in editing at Wikipedia, a look at the differences might be of interest.
CZ:How to edit an article gives general instructions on how to edit Citizendium pages. Please make use of the preview button before you submit a page you have edited. Remember we are creating an encyclopedia here, and so the individual articles should be informative as well as nicely phrased and illustrated. They should cover all aspects relevant to the topic such that an interested lay reader (imagine yourself as an undergraduate) can digest it and find suitable references for in-depth study. In contrast to Wikipedia, Citizendium makes use of subpages for these purposes. This is achieved by placing the command "{{Subpages}}" at the top of your article and following the instructions that show up after saving the page (see Music and disease and its metadata subpage for an example).
If you want to invite other Citizendium authors (everybody here) or editors (a subset of everybody, with specialist knowledge in some area) to join you in working on your article, add this text: "{{EZarticle-open-auto}}" (just what's inside the "'s) just below the "{{Subpages}}". It produces this notice:
Besides, many other Eduzendium articles welcome your collaboration! |
We strongly encourage such collaborative editing (this explicitly includes inviting fellow students, friends or experts to work with you on the subject) but if you want to make sure no other Citizendium authors or editors do anything to your article while you are working on it, add this text: "{{EZarticle-closed-auto}}" (just what's inside the "'s) just below the "{{Subpages}}". It produces this notice:
Articles that lack this notice, including many Eduzendium ones, welcome your collaboration! |
Please also keep in mind that copyright restrictions may allow you to use some materials for your presentation but not here. If you are uncomfortable with writing encyclopedially in English, we suggest to concentrate on providing facts, references and figures for articles written by others.
Other useful information
- General literature recommendations:
- The online version of "Nature" currently features a series of essays about music and the brain (recommended by Felipe Gerhard).
- Tools
- Testimonials for past Eduzendium project at Citizendium and similar projects in English Wikipedia, and a blog about another such trial at Wikipedia
- Citizendium licence
- Artikel über den Wissenschaftszug der MPG (PDF)
- Blog post on Open science
- Participants sought for study on music psychology at University of Bonn