Training within industry
What is Training Within Industry?
Training Within Industry Service was an official department of the of the War Manpower Commission during WWII. TWI Service existed between 1940-1945, training over 23,000 supervisors in primarily three basic skills:
As time progressed an additional need was recognized and developed in the form of a fourth program, aimed at training directors:
A fifth program was developed sensitive to the unique characteristics of present within unions:
Through a planned "multiplier effect", four-hundred TWI Service representatives trained 23,000 supervisors in over 16,000 U.S companies during the war. In turn, those 23,000 supervisors trained and developed over 1.7 million U.S. workers in the TWI 'J' programs.
History 1940-1945
WWII Precedents
Consensus is that TWI methods were largely abandoned in the U.S. after the decommission of the TWI Service in 1945, due to an inherent complacency as the only industrial superpower. It is thought there was no urgent need for the TWI services.[1] However, there were several factors that suggest the opposite.... First, a study of war production liquidation suggested that a gradual cancellation of war contracts would create the need for seven million jobs.[2] Many of these jobs would be filled by those that were displaced by the cancellations; as a war production plant converted to peacetime, the laid off wartime worker would come back on as a peacetime worker. Another inevitable situation is that temporary workers in another city would move back home, creating voids for others to fill as peacetime production was signaled to begin. At any rate, there .to be continued.BRL
Linkage to Continuous Improvement Methodologies
Practical Applications
Training Within Industry Report. 1945. U.S. Government Printing Office.
Training Within Industry Materials. 1945. Hardbound copy of TWI Materials. U.S. Government Printing Office.
Lowell Mellen Papers. 1923-1970. Collection #91-098, unprocessed. Western Reserve Historical Society Library. Cleveland, Ohio.
Kaplan, A.D.H. 1944. The Liquidation of War Production. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. New York and London.
External links & Additional Reading Materials
Dinero, Don. 2005. Training Within Industry, The Foundation of Lean Manufacturing. Productivity Press. New York, NY.
Huntzinger, Jim. 2002. Roots of Lean — Training Within Industry: The Origin of Kaizen”. Target Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 9-22).
Lund, Bryan. 2007. Training Within Industry. Lean Manufacturing Yearbook 2007. Society of Manufacturing Engineers.