English spellings/Catalogs/Common misspellings T

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Use in English | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alphabetical word list | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Retroalphabetical list | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Common misspellings |
This page lists misspellings and typos of English words that begin with T. To see a different letter navigate with the table above.
In this list, there are no asterisks or pronouncing accents. The misspelling is shown as a blue link on the left, for example, *abberant, and it is followed by its correct form in brackets, (aberrant). (In the alphabetical list, the order is usually reversed: áberrant *ábberant.)
To add an entry to the list, insert a new search entry using the {{search link}} template with the correct spelling in parentheses after the link. For example,
* {{search link|mispelling||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (misspelling)
* {{search link|"mispell"|mispell|ns0|ns14|ns100}} (misspell)
Please do not delete a misspelling from this page just because it generates false positives. A better way of getting rid of false positives is to "unlink" it by removing the {{search link}} template. For example,
* u (you) (huge number of false positives)
By leaving it on the list, it will remind other users why it has not been added, and it can be easily re-tested at a later date.[e]
- tabacco (tabacco [Italian], tobacco [English])
- tabulature (tablature)
- tactict (tactic)
- tahn (than)
- taht (that)
- tailight (taillight)
- taked (taken, took)
- talekd (talked)
- tamborine (tambourine)
- targetted (alternative spelling of targeted)
- targetting (alternative spelling of targeting)
- tarif (tariff)
- tarrif (tariff)
- tarriff (tariff)
- tast (taste)
- tath (that)
- tatics (tactics)
- tatoo (tattoo)
- tattooes (tattoos)
- taxanomic (taxonomic)
- taxanomy (taxonomy)
- teached (taught)
- teachs (teaches)
- teamate (teammate)
- teared (teared [eyes], tore, torn)
- techician (technician)
- technican (technician)
- technolgy (technology)
- tecnology (technology)
- teh (the)
- tehy (they)
- televize (televise)
- temparate (temperate)
- temperment (temperament)
- tempermental (temperamental)
- temperture (temperature)
- temprature (temperature)
- tenacle (tentacle)
- tenacles (tentacles)
- tendancy (tendency)
- tennant (tenant)
- tennisplayer (tennis player)
- tenous (tenuous)
- tenture (tenure)
- teritory (territory)
- terrestial (terrestrial)
- terriories (territories)
- terriory (territory)
- territorist (terrorist)
- territority (territory)
- testamonial (testimonial)
- testamony (testimony)
- testical (testicle)
- testimont (testament)
- testiment (testament)
- Teusday (Tuesday)
- tghe (the)
- thast (that, that's)
- thay (they)
- thte (the)
- theather (theater, theatre)
- theese (these)
- theif (thief)
- theives (thieves)
- themself (herself, himself, themselves)
- themselfs (themselves)
- theologan (theologian)
- theologist (acceptable variant of theologian)
- ther (there, their, the)
- therfore (therefore)
- theri (their)
- theroretical (theoretical)
- thgat (that)
- thge (the)
- thiefs (thieves)
- thier (their)
- thieve (thief [noun], thieve [verb])
- thign (thing)
- thigsn (things)
- thikn (think)
- thikning (thinking, thickening)
- thikns (thinks)
- thingking (thinking)
- thiunk (think)
- thna (than)
- thne (then)
- thnig (thing)
- thnigs (things)
- thourough (thorough)
- thouroughly (thoroughly)
- threath (threat)
- threee (three)
- threshhold (threshold)
- thrid (third)
- throughly (thoroughly)
- throught (thought, through, throughout)
- throughtout (throughout)
- througout (throughout)
- thru (through)
- thrusted (thrust)
- thsi (this)
- thsoe (those)
- tht (that)
- thta (that)
- thyat (that)
- Tiajuana (Tijuana)
- tiem (time, Tim)
- tihkn (think)
- tihs (this)
- timne (time)
- tiome (time, tome)
- tipical (typical)
- tje (the)
- tjhe (the)
- tkae (take)
- tkaes (takes)
- tkaing (taking)
- tlaking (talking)
- tobbaco (tobacco)
- todays (today's, todays [plural])
- todya (today)
- tolerence (tolerance)
- tolerent (tolerant)
- Tolkein (Tolkien)
- tomatos (tomatoes)
- tommorow (tomorrow)
- tommorrow (tomorrow)
- tongiht (tonight)
- tooked (taken)
- tookover (took over)
- toriodal (toroidal)
- tornados (acceptable variant of tornadoes)
- tornament (tournament)
- torpedos (torpedoes)
- tothe (to the)
- tought (taught, thought, tough)
- tounge (tongue)
- tourch (torch, touch)
- tourmanent (tournament)
- towrad (toward)
- tradgedy (tragedy)
- traditionaly (traditionally)
- trafficed (trafficked)
- trafic (traffic [English], trafic [French])
- trancend (transcend)
- trancended (transcended)
- trancendent (transcendent)
- trancendental (transcendental)
- trancending (transcending)
- tranform (transform)
- traning (training)
- transcendance (transcendence)
- transcendant (transcendent)
- transcendentational (transcendental)
- transcept (transept)
- transcripting (transcribing, transcription)
- transending (transcending)
- transfered (transferred)
- transfering (transferring)
- transferr (transfer)
- transister (transistor)
- transistion (transition)
- translater (translator)
- translaters (translators)
- transmissable (transmissible)
- transmited (transmitted)
- transmiter (transmitter)
- transmitt (transmit)
- transporation (transportation)
- travelled (variant of traveled)
- traveller (variant of traveler)
- treaded (trod, trodden)
- tremelo (tremolo)
- treshold (threshold)
- triathalon (triathlon)
- triology (trilogy)
- troups (troupes, troops)
- truely (truly)
- truley (truly)
- trustworthyness (trustworthiness)
- tryed (tried)
- trys (tries)
- tumour (variant of tumor)
- tumultous (tumultuous)
- tunnelling (variant of tunneling)
- turkies (turkeys)
- Turky (Turkey)
- turnk (turnkey, trunk)
- Tuscon (Tucson [Arizona], Tuscan [of Tuscany])
- twelth (twelfth)
- twelveth (twelfth)
- twentys (twenties)
- twon (town)
- tyhat (that)
- tyhe (the, they)
- typcial (typical)
- type-casted (type-cast)
- typicaly (typically)
- tyrany (tyranny)
- tyre (variant of tire)
- tyrrany (tyranny)