René Girard/External Links
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- René Girard: "Are the Gospels Mythical?" in First Things: A Journal of Religion, Culture, and Public Life, April 1996. See also "August/September Letters" in First Things: A Journal of Religion, Culture, and Public Life, August/September 1996, for follow-up correspondence.
- Girard lecture, on Violence, Victims and Christianity (Oxford 1997)
- "What Is Occurring Today Is a Mimetic Rivalry on a Planetary Scale" Interview by Henri Tincq, Le Monde, November 6, 2001. Translated by Jim Williams. Original title: "Ce qui se joue aujourd'hui est une rivalité mimétique à l'échelle planétaire".
- "Violence & the Lamb Slain". Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity, December 2003. A short, accessible introduction to Girardian thought, plus an interview with Girard.
- Ratzinger Is Right in New Perspectives Quarterly (NPQ) Volume 22, Number 3 (Summer 2005). On Pope Benedict XVI and relativism.
- Interviews with Girard on mimetic desire (Saturday, September 17, 2005) and on ritual, myth, and religion (Tuesday, October 4, 2005) by Robert P. Harrison.
- "The J'Accuse of Rene Girard: The Audacious ideas of a great thinker" Interview with Girard by Giulio Meotti, Il Foglio, March 20, 2007. (Translation by Francis R. Hittinger IV.)
- Reception speech of René Girard. This speech is a eulogy of his predecessor.
- Robert Doran: Apocalyptic Thinking after 9/11: An Interview with René Girard SubStance 115 (Volume 37, Number 1, 2008.
- Traces du sacré: René Girard, le sens de l'histoire}}. Excerpts from a conversation with Benoît Chantre (see La conversion de l'art).
Organizations inspired by mimetic theory
- Colloquium on Violence & Religion
- Association Recherches Mimétiques, founded in 2006.
- Imitatio, founded in 2008.
- Imitation, Mimetic Theory, and Religious & Cultural Evolution - A Templeton Advanced Research Project, a two-year project.
- The Raven Foundation. This foundation "seeks to promote healing, hope, reconciliation and peace by offering insight into the dynamics of conflict and violence".
Other resources
- Dietmar Regensburger: Link Collection on René Girard & the Mimetic Theory.
- Colloquium on Violence and Religion, Annual Conference 2004: Nature, Human Nature, and the Mimetic Theory. Some of the conference papers are available here.
- Paul Nuechterlein: Girardian Reflections on the Lectionary: Understanding the Bible Anew Through the Mimetic Theory of René Girard
- Philippe Cottet: On René Girard. Available in French and English.
- Mark Gordon: Was Christ Just Another ‘Scapegoat’? May 3, 2006.
- Thomas A. Michael: How To Scapegoat the Leader. A Refresher Course (for those who do not need it). An introduction to Girard.
- Joseph Bottum: "Girard among the Girardians" in First Things: A Journal of Religion, Culture, and Public Life, March 1996. A review of Violence Unveiled by Gil Bailie, The Sacred Game by Cesareo Bandera, The Gospel and the Sacred by Robert G. Hamerton-Kelly, and The Bible, Violence, and the Sacred by James G. Williams.
- Paolo Diego Bubbio: "Mimetic Theory and Hermeneutics" in Colloquy 9 (2005).
- University of St Andrews, UK: Honorary degrees - June 2008.
- Gerald J. Biesecker-Mast: “Reading Walter Wink's and Rene Girard's Religious Critiques of Violence as Communication Ethics.” National Communication Assocation Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, November 20-23, 1997. A short and clear explanation of the thought of Girard (principally) among other similar thoughts about people, violence and society.
- "Scapegoats and Sacrifices: Rene Girard". Australian Broadcasting Commission - Philosopher's Zone.
- Trevor Merrill: "On War: Apocalypse and Conversion: Review Article on René Girard's Achever Clausewitz and Jean-Michel Oughourlian's Genèse du désir" in Lingua Romana: a journal of French, Italian and Romanian culture Volume 6, number 1 / fall 2007.