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Orbital angular momentum
The classical angular momentum of a point mass is,

where r is the position and p the (linear) momentum of the point mass.
The simplest and oldest example of an angular momentum operator is obtained by applying the quantization rule:

is Planck's constant (divided by 2π) and ∇ is the gradient operator. This rule applied to the classical angular momentum vector gives a vector operator with the following three components,

The following commutation relations can be proved,
![{\displaystyle [L_{x},\,L_{y}]=i\hbar L_{z},\quad [L_{z},\,L_{x}]=i\hbar L_{y},\quad [L_{y},\,L_{z}]=i\hbar L_{x}.}](
The square brackets indicate the commutator of two operators, defined for two arbitrary operators A and B as
![{\displaystyle [A,\,B]\equiv AB-BA.}](
For instance,
![{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\big [}L_{x},\,L_{y}{\big ]}=&-\hbar ^{2}\left[{\Big (}y{\frac {\partial }{\partial z}}-z{\frac {\partial }{\partial y}}{\Big )}{\Big (}z{\frac {\partial }{\partial x}}-x{\frac {\partial }{\partial z}}{\Big )}-{\Big (}z{\frac {\partial }{\partial x}}-x{\frac {\partial }{\partial z}}{\Big )}{\Big (}y{\frac {\partial }{\partial z}}-z{\frac {\partial }{\partial y}}{\Big )}\right]\\=&-\hbar ^{2}\left[y{\frac {\partial }{\partial x}}-x{\frac {\partial }{\partial y}}\right]=i\hbar \left[-i\hbar {\Big (}x{\frac {\partial }{\partial y}}-y{\frac {\partial }{\partial x}}{\Big )}\right]=i\hbar L_{z},\\\end{aligned}}}](
where we used that all the terms of the kind

mutually cancel. Since the three components of L do not commute, they do not have a common set of eigenfunctions.
The total angular momentum squared is defined by

This operator commutes with any of the three components,
![{\displaystyle [\mathbf {L} ^{2},\,L_{k}]=0\quad {\hbox{for}}\quad k=x,y,z,}](
so that common eigenfunctions of L2 and one of its components can be found.
Note, parenthetically, that eigenfunctions of L2 have been known since the nineteenth century, long before quantum mechanics was born. They are spherical harmonic functions.
Indeed, in terms of spherical polar coordinates the operator is,
![{\displaystyle L^{2}=-\hbar ^{2}\left[{\frac {1}{\sin \theta }}{\frac {\partial }{\partial \theta }}\sin \theta {\frac {\partial }{\partial \theta }}+{\frac {1}{\sin ^{2}\theta }}{\frac {\partial ^{2}}{\partial \varphi ^{2}}}\right],}](
and this expression appears in the associated Legendre equation.