Archive:New Draft of the Week

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Revision as of 10:20, 17 July 2009 by imported>Milton Beychok (→‎Add New Nominees Here: Added a nominee)
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The New Draft of the Week is a chance to highlight a recently created Citizendium article that has just started down the road of becoming a Citizendium masterpiece.
It is chosen each week by vote in a manner similar to that of its sister project, the Article of the Week.

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Table of Nominees
Nominated article Vote
Supporters Specialist supporters Date created
Developing Article Clean Air Act (U.S.) 1 Milton Beychok; 2009-06-27
Developing Article Euler angles 1 Milton Beychok; 2009-07-10

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The next New Draft of the Week will be the article with the most votes at 1 AM UTC on Thursday, 16 July 2009. I did the honors this time. Milton Beychok 01:11, 16 July 2009 (UTC)

Nominated article Supporters Specialist supporters Dates Score
Developing Article Clean Air Act (U.S.): A law enacted by the U.S. Congress that defines the responsibilities of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) for protecting and improving the nation's air quality and the stratospheric ozone layer. [e]

(PD) Photo: Jon Sullivan,
Poor air quality over Los Angeles (August, 2003)
See also: National Ambient Air Quality Standards

The Clean Air Act is a law enacted by the U.S. Congress that defines the responsibilities of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) for protecting and improving the nation's air quality and the stratospheric ozone layer. The latest major amendments were enacted as the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (Public Law 101–549).

The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 were preceded by various other pieces of legislation enacted by the U.S. Congress dating back to the Air Pollution Control Act of 1955.

Implementation of the Act

In the same year that Congress created the Clean Air Act of 1970 (see History section below), Congress also created the U.S. EPA and gave it the primary role in carrying out the law. Since 1970, the U.S. EPA has been responsible for a variety of programs to reduce air pollution nationwide.

However, the environmental regulatory agencies of the states, Indian tribes and local governments do a lot of the work to meet the Act's requirements. Those agencies work with industrial and commercial companies to reduce air pollution. They also review and approve permit applications for construction and operation of industrial plants and commercial facilities involving sources of air pollution. They are able to develop solutions for pollution problems that require special understanding of local industries, geography, housing, and travel patterns, as well as other factors. State, local, and tribal governments also monitor air quality, inspect facilities under their jurisdictions and enforce Clean Air Act regulations.[1]

States must also develop State Implementation Plans (SIPs) that outline how each state will control air pollution under the Clean Air Act. An SIP is a collection of the regulations, programs and policies that a state will use to clean up polluted areas. In developing their SIPs, the states must involve the public and industries through hearings and opportunities to comment on the development of each state plan.[1]

Contents of the Act

Legislation enacted by the U.S. Congress since 1990 has made several minor changes in the Act. The current version, including amendments through February 24, 2004, is available on the Internet.[2] This is a listing of its major parts:

  • Title I - Air Pollution Prevention and Control
    • Part A - Air Quality and Emission Limitations (CAA § 101-131; USC § 7401-7431 )
    • Part B - Ozone Protection (replaced by Title VI)
    • Part C - Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality (CAA § 160-169b; USC § 7470-7492)
    • Part D - Plan Requirements for Nonattainment Areas (CAA § 171-193; USC § 7501-7515)
  • Title II - Emission Standards for Moving Sources
    • Part A - Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards (CAA § 201-219; USC § 7521-7554)
    • Part B - Aircraft Emission Standards (CAA § 231-234; USC § 7571-7574)
    • Part C - Clean Fuel Vehicles (CAA § 241-250; USC § 7581-7590)
  • Title III - General (CAA § 301-328; USC § 7601-7627)
  • Title IV - Acid Deposition Control (CAA § 401-416; USC § 7651-7651o)
  • Title V - Permits (CAA § 501-507; USC § 7661-7661f )
  • Title VI - Stratospheric Ozone Protection (CAA § 601-618; USC § 7671-7671q )

Key elements of the act

The U.S. EPA's mission is to protect human health and the environment. To achieve this mission, EPA implemented a variety of programs under the Clean Air Act that focus on:

  • Reducing outdoor ambient concentrations of air pollutants that cause smog, haze, acid rain, and other problems
  • Reducing emissions of toxic air pollutants that are known to, or are suspected of, causing cancer or other serious health effects
  • Phasing out production and use of chemicals that destroy stratospheric ozone.

The above programs have required the development of specific regulations by the U.S. EPA and the state, tribal and local governments to limit the emissions of air pollutants from mobile sources (like automotive vehicles and airplanes) and stationary sources (like petroleum refineries, petrochemical and chemical manufacturing plants, power plants, and gas or petrol stations).

More specifics concerning each of the above programs are available on the Internet.[3]

What the Clean Air Act has accomplished

The implementation of the Clean Air Act has accomplished very significant reductions in the emission of air pollutants during the period of 1970 – 2008. The reductions were accomplished despite even larger increases in activities, during that same period, that produce air pollutants as measured by the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP), consumption of energy, and usage of automobiles. The details of that accomplishment are presented in the two tables below:[1][4]

Air pollutant emission reductions
(1970 – 2008)
Pollutant Emissions Reductions
Criteria air pollutants More than 50%
Toxic air pollutants Nearly 70%
Automobile emissions More than 90%
Activities that produce air pollutants
(1970 – 2008)
Factors Increases
Gross Domestic Product 200 %
Energy consumption 50%
Automobile usage Almost 200%


In October 1948, a cloud of air pollution formed above the industrial town of Donora, Pennsylvania and lingered for five days. It caused sickness in 6,000 of the town's 14,000 people and the death of 20 people. Four years later, in 1952, over 3,000 people died in what became known as London's "Killer Fog".[1][4] Events like those led to the enactment of several federal and state laws which established funding for the study and the cleanup of air pollution. But there was no comprehensive federal response to address air pollution until Congress passed the Clean Air Act in 1970 and created the U.S. EPA.

In 1990, Congress amended and greatly expanded the Clean Air Act, providing EPA even broader authority to implement and enforce regulations reducing air pollutant emissions. The 1990 Amendments also placed an increased emphasis on more cost-effective approaches to reduce air pollution.

The principal milestones in the evolution of the Clean Air Act are:[4][5][6]

The Air Pollution Control Act of 1955

The Air Pollution Control Act of 1955 was the first federal legislation that involved air pollution. It funded research of air pollution and state assistance resources.

Clean Air Act of 1963

The Clean Air Act of 1963 was the first federal legislation regarding air pollution control. It established a federal program within the U.S. Public Health Service and authorized research into techniques for monitoring and controlling air pollution. It included grants to the states for developing state and local air pollution control programs.

In 1966, the Clean Air Act was extended to add the authority for grants to maintain state and local programs rather than just develop them.

Air Quality Act of 1967

In 1967, an Air Quality Act was enacted in order to expand federal government activities. In accordance with this law, enforcement proceedings were initiated in areas subject to interstate air pollution transport. As part of these proceedings, the federal government for the first time conducted extensive ambient monitoring studies and stationary source inspections.

The Air Quality Act of 1967 also authorized expanded studies of air pollutant emission inventories, ambient monitoring techniques, and control techniques.

Clean Air Act 1970

The enactment of the Clean Air Act of 1970 constituted a major change of the federal government's role in air pollution control. It authorized the development of comprehensive federal and state regulations to limit emissions from stationary industrial sources and from mobile sources.

Four major regulatory programs involving stationary sources were initiated:

It also authorized requirements for the control of automotive vehicle emissions (i.e., mobile sources). Furthermore, the authority to enforce air quality standards and air pollution emission controls was substantially expanded.

As mentioned above, the EPA was created at about the same time in order to implement the various requirements included in the Clean Air Act of 1970.

1977 Amendments to the Clean Air Act of 1970

The 1977 Amendments established major review requirements to ensure the attainment and maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

It codified provisions for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) program. It also codified requirements pertaining to air pollution sources in geographical areas called "non-attainment areas" because they had not attained on or more of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

1990 Amendments to the Clean Air Act of 1970

Another set of major amendments to the Clean Air Act were enacted in 1990 that substantially increased the authority and responsibility of the federal government. New regulatory programs were authorized for:

  • Control of acid deposition (acid rain)
  • Established the requirements for stationary source operating permits
  • Established a program to control 189 toxic air pollutants, including those previously regulated by the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS)

The provisions for attainment and maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards were significantly modified and expanded. Other revisions involved stratospheric ozone protection, increased enforcement authority, and expanded research programs.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Understanding the Clean Air Act (From the U.S. EPA website)
  2. The Clean Air Act (As Amended Through P.L. 108–201, February 24, 2004)
  3. Key Elements of the Clean Air Act (From the U.S. EPA website)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Air Today, Yesterday, and Tomorrow (Part 1, prepared for the U.S. EPA by John Bachmann, 2008)
  5. Air Today, Yesterday, and Tomorrow (Part 2, prepared for the U.S. EPA by John Bachmann, 2008)
  6. History of the Clean Air Act (From the U.S. EPA website)
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Milton Beychok; 1

Current Winner (to be selected and implemented by an Administrator)

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PD Image
Energy of the hot gas flame flows into the kettle and the liquid water in it.

Heat is a form of energy that is transferred between two bodies that are in thermal contact and have different temperatures. For instance, the bodies may be two compartments of a vessel separated by a heat-conducting wall and containing fluids of different temperatures on either side of the wall. Or one body may consist of hot radiating gas and the other may be a kettle with cold water, as shown in the picture. Heat flows spontaneously from the higher-temperature to the lower-temperature body. The effect of this transfer of energy usually, but not always, is an increase in the temperature of the colder body and a decrease in the temperature of the hotter body.

Change of aggregation state

A vessel containing a fluid may lose or gain energy without a change in temperature when the fluid changes from one aggregation state to another. For instance, a gas condensing to a liquid does this at a certain fixed temperature (the boiling point of the liquid) and releases condensation energy. When a vessel, containing a condensing gas, loses heat to a colder body, then, as long as there is still vapor left in it, its temperature remains constant at the boiling point of the liquid, even while it is losing heat to the colder body. In a similar way, when the colder body is a vessel containing a melting solid, its temperature will remain constant while it is receiving heat from a hotter body, as long as not all solid has been molten. Only after all of the solid has been molten and the heat transport continues, the temperature of the colder body (then containing only liquid) will rise.

For example, the temperature of the tap water in the kettle shown in the figure will rise quickly to the boiling point of water (100 °C). Then, when the flame is not switched off, the temperature inside the kettle remains constant at 100 °C for quite some time, even though heat keeps on flowing from flame to kettle. When all liquid water has evaporated—when the kettle has boiled dry—the temperature of the kettle will quickly rise again until it obtains the temperature of the burning gas, then the heat flow will finally stop. (Most likely, though, the handle and maybe the metal of the kettle, too, will have melted before that).


At present the unit for the amount of heat is the same as for any form of energy. Before the equivalence of mechanical work and heat was clearly recognized, two units were used. The calorie was the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water from 14.5 to 15.5 °C and the unit of mechanical work was basically defined by force times path length (in the old cgs system of units this is erg). Now there is one unit for all forms of energy, including heat. In the International System of Units (SI) it is the joule, but the British Thermal Unit and calorie are still occasionally used. The unit for the rate of heat transfer is the watt (J/s).

Equivalence of heat and work

Although heat and work are forms of energy that both obey the law of conservation of energy, they are not completely equivalent. Work can be completely converted into heat, but the converse is not true. When converting heat into work, part of the heat is not—and cannot be—converted to work, but flows to the body of lower temperature that is out of necessity present to generate a heat flow.

Heat and temperature

The important distinction between heat and temperature (heat being a form of energy and temperature a measure of the amount of that energy present in a body) was clarified by Count Rumford, James Prescott Joule, Julius Robert Mayer, Rudolf Clausius, and others during the late 18th and 19th centuries. Also it became clear by the work of these men that heat is not an invisible and weightless fluid, named caloric, as was thought by many 18th century scientists, but a form of motion. The molecules of the hotter body are (on the average) in more rapid motion than those of the colder body. The first law of thermodynamics, discovered around the middle of the 19th century, states that the (flow of) heat is a transfer of part of the internal energy of the bodies. In the case of ideal gases, internal energy consists only of kinetic energy and it is indeed only this motional energy that is transferred when heat is exchanged between two containers with ideal gases. In the case of non-ideal gases, liquids and solids, internal energy also contains the averaged inter-particle potential energy (attraction and repulsion between molecules), which depends on temperature. So, for non-ideal gases, liquids and solids, also potential energy is transferred when heat transfer occurs.

Forms of heat

The actual transport of heat may proceed by electromagnetic radiation (as an example one may think of an electric heater where usually heat is transferred to its surroundings by infrared radiation, or of a microwave oven where heat is given off to food by microwaves), conduction (for instance through a metal wall; metals conduct heat by the aid of their almost free electrons), and convection (for instance by air flow or water circulation).


If two systems, 1 (cold) and 2 (hot), are isolated from the rest of the universe (i.e., no other heat flows than from 2 to 1 and no work is performed on the two systems) then the entropy Stot = S1 + S2 of the total system 1 + 2 increases upon the spontaneous flow of heat. This is in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics that states that spontaneous thermodynamic processes are associated with entropy increase. In general, the entropy S of a system at absolute temperature T increases with

when it receives an amount of heat Q > 0. Entropy is an additive (size-extensive) property.

The hotter system 2 loses an amount of heat to the colder system 1. In absolute value the exchanged amounts of heat are the same by the law of conservation of energy (no energy escapes to the rest of the universe), hence

Here it is assumed that the amount of heat Q is so small that the temperatures of the two systems are constant. One can achieve this by considering a small time interval of heat exchange and/or very large systems.

Remark: the expression ΔS = Q/T is only strictly valid for a reversible (also known as quasistatic) flow of energy. It is possible[1] to define:

It is assumed that ΔSint is much smaller than ΔSext, so that it can be neglected.

Semantic caveats

It is strictly speaking not correct to say that a hot object "possesses much heat"—it is correct to say, however, that it possesses high internal energy. The word "heat" is reserved to describe the process of transfer of energy from a high temperature object to a lower temperature one (in short called "heating of the cold object"). The reason that the word "heat" is to be avoided for the internal energy of an object is that the latter can have been acquired either by heating or by work done on it (or by both). When we measure internal energy, there is no way of deciding how the object acquired it—by work or by heat. In the same way as one does not say that a hot object "possesses much work", one does not say that it "possesses much heat". Yet, terms as "heat reservoir" (a system of temperature higher than its environment that for all practical purposes is infinite) and "heat content" (a synonym for enthalpy) are commonly used and are incorrect by the same reasoning.

The molecules of a hot body are in agitated motion and, as said, it cannot be measured how they became agitated, by work or by heat. Often, especially outside physics, the random molecular motion is referred to as "thermal energy". In classical (phenomenological) thermodynamics this is an intuitive, but undefined, concept. In statistical thermodynamics, thermal energy could be defined (but rarely ever is) as the average kinetic energy of the molecules constituting the body. Kinetic and potential energy of molecules are concepts that are foreign to classical thermodynamics, which predates the general acceptance of the existence of molecules.


As a result Carathéodory was able to obtain the laws of thermodynamics without recourse to fictitious machines or objectionable concepts as the flow of heat.[2]


  1. E. A. Guggenheim, Thermodynamics, 5th edition, North Holland (1967). p. 17
  2. H. Margenau and G. M. Murphy, The Mathematics of Physics and Chemistry, 2nd edition, Van Nostrand Company, New York (1956) p. 29

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Previous Winners

Rules and Procedure


  • The primary criterion of eligibility for a new draft is that it must have been ranked as a status 1 or 2 (developed or developing), as documented in the History of the article's Metadate template, no more than one month before the date of the next selection (currently every Thursday).
  • Any Citizen may nominate a draft.
  • No Citizen may have nominated more than one article listed under "current nominees" at a time.
  • The article's nominator is indicated simply by the first name in the list of votes (see below).
  • At least for now--while the project is still small--you may nominate and vote for drafts of which you are a main author.
  • An article can be the New Draft of the Week only once. Nominated articles that have won this honor should be removed from the list and added to the list of previous winners.
  • Comments on nominations should be made on the article's talk page.
  • Any draft will be deleted when it is past its "last date eligible". Don't worry if this happens to your article; consider nominating it as the Article of the Week.
  • If an editor believes that a nominee in his or her area of expertise is ineligible (perhaps due to obvious and embarrassing problems) he or she may remove the draft from consideration. The editor must indicate the reasons why he has done so on the nominated article's talk page.


See above section "Add New Nominees Here".


  • To vote, add your name and date in the Supporters column next to an article title, after other supporters for that article, by signing <br />~~~~. (The date is necessary so that we can determine when the last vote was added.) Your vote is alloted a score of 1.
  • Add your name in the Specialist supporters column only if you are an editor who is an expert about the topic in question. Your vote is alloted a score of 1 for articles that you created and 2 for articles that you did not create.
  • You may vote for as many articles as you wish, and each vote counts separately, but you can only nominate one at a time; see above. You could, theoretically, vote for every nominated article on the page, but this would be pointless.


  • The list of articles is sorted by number of votes first, then alphabetically.
  • Admins should make sure that the votes are correctly tallied, but anyone may do this. Note that "Specialist Votes" are worth 3 points.


  • Each Thursday, one of the admins listed below should move the winning article to the Current Winner section of this page, announce the winner on Citizendium-L and update the "previous winning drafts" section accordingly.
  • The winning article will be the article at the top of the list (ie the one with the most votes).
  • In the event of two or more having the same number of votes :
    • The article with the most specialist supporters is used. Should this fail to produce a winner, the article appearing first by English alphabetical order is used.
    • The remaining winning articles are guaranteed this position in the following weeks, again in alphabetical order. No further voting should take place on these, which remain at the top of the table with notices to that effect. Further nominations and voting take place to determine future winning articles for the following weeks.
    • Winning articles may be named New Draft of the Week beyond their last eligible date if their circumstances are so described above.


The Administrators of this program are the same as the admins for CZ:Article of the Week.


See Also

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