A wiki is a community-run website, or the Web-based software behind it, that allows anyone (with permission) to edit any page and to add new pages. Since anyone can edit any page on a wiki, wikis are strongly collaborative. The best-known wiki is Wikipedia.
Wiki software is available in several variants, including MediaWiki and TWiki. It is now being widely used in business and educational institutions for both intranet and Internet applications, where it is recognized as a significant productivity tool.

Ward Cunningham invented the wiki concept and created the first wiki, WikiWikiWeb, on March 25, 1995. [1] "Wiki" is the Hawaiian word meaning "quick," as learned by Cunningham during his first visit to the islands. Hawaiians double words for emphasis, thus "wiki wiki" means "very quick." Cunningham says, "Using the word doubling convention, I named the technology WikiWikiWeb." [2]