User:Martin Baldwin-Edwards

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Martin Baldwin-Edwards is currently Co-Director of the Mediterranean Migration Observatory, University Research Institute for Urban Environment and Human Resources, Panteion University, Athens, Greece. During 2007-8, he is based in Vienna working with the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). He has authored over 60 publications on international migration, including The Politics of Immigration in Western Europe (ed. with M. Schain, 1994) and Immigrants and the Informal Economy in Southern Europe (ed. with J. Arango, 1999). He has lectured and researched in four UK universities and was Visiting Professor/Jean Monnet Fellow in International Migration at the European University Institute, 1997/8. He was co-founder and has been Co-Director of the Mediterranean Migration Observatory at Panteion University since 1999, and in 2003 was Research Director and subsequently General Director of Antigone, the Greek national focal point for the EUMC-RAXEN network.

Over the period 2004-6, he served as a consultant or advisor to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Migrations Committee;the European Consortium on Exiles and Refugees (ECRE); the East-West Institute, Brussels; the ISTAME-Papandreou Foundation, Athens; the International Organization for Migration, Geneva; the Global Commission on International Migration, Geneva; the Ministry of Interior, Greece; the Migrants in Greece consortium and Lambrakis Foundation, Greece; the Migration Policy Institute, USA and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).


Articles in journals

'Migration between Greece and Turkey: From the “Exchange of Populations” to non-recognition of borders', South East Europe Review . Available online from:

‘Navigating between Scylla and Charybdis: Migration policies for a Romania within the European Union’, South East European and Black Sea Studies (in press)

‘La migración en la region del Mediterráneo’, Vanguardia Dossier, Enero/Marzo 2007: Inmigrantes: El Continente Móvil, pp. 18-26

‘Balkan migrations and the European Union: Patterns and trends’, The Romanian Journal of European Studies, 4/2005, pp. 31-43.Available online from:

‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place: North Africa as a region of emigration, immigration and transit migration’, Review of African Political Economy, 33/108, pp. 311-324. Also published in Circunstancia, 10. Available online at:

‘Mediterranean Migrations: regionalisms versus globalisation’, Revista Finisterra, 39/77, Lisboa, pp. 9-20. Online at:

‘Albanian Emigration and the Greek Labour Market’, South East Europe Review, 7/1, pp. 51-66. Available online from:

‘Sustainable Development and Emigration: The Contemporary Balkans and the European Union’, South East Europe Review, 7/1, pp. 9-14. Available online from:

Chapters in edited books

‘Migration in the Mediterranean and Middle East’, in B. Marshall (ed), The Politics of Migration, Routledge (in press)

‘Immigration, Immigrants and Socialisation in Southern Europe: patterns, problems and contradistinctions’, in C. Inglessi, A. Lyberaki, H. Vermeulen and G. J. van Wijngaarden (eds)(2004): Immigration and Integration in Northern versus Southern Europe, Athens: Netherlands Institute in Athens, pp. 11-24

‘Immigrants and the Welfare State in Europe’, in D. Massey and J. Edward Taylor (eds)(2004): International Migration - Prospects and Policies in a Global Market, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 318-334

Official Reports

Statistics and Reality: Greece, (with K. Apostolatou), Report prepared for the IMISCOE network, Task 3: Structural Aspects of International Migration [in press]

Visa Policies in South Eastern Europe: a hindrance or a stepping stone to European integration? Policy brief prepared for the East-West Institute, Center for Border Studies, Brussels. Available from:

Migration in the Middle East and Mediterranean, Regional study prepared for the UN Global Commission on International Migration, Geneva, 2005. 44 pp. On web at: and

Statistical Data on Immigrants in Greece: an analytic study of available data and recommendations for conformity with EU standards, IMEPO, Ministry of Interior, Greece, October 2004. In English (100 pp) and Greek (105 pp). On web at: and

The Integration of Immigrants in Athens: developing indicators and statistical measures, Lambrakis Foundation and EQUAL consortium: Migrants in Greece, 2004. 69 pp. (in English and Greek) . On web at:

The Changing Mosaic of Mediterranean Migrations. Feature Story, 1 June 2004, commissioned by Migration Information Source, Migration Policy Institute, Washington DC. On web at:

Immigration into Greece, 1990-2003, United Nations, European Population Forum 2004, UNECE, Geneva, 12-14 January. Plenary Speaker in session “International Migration: Promoting Management and Integration”. 29 pp. Available at:

Working Papers

‘Patterns of migration in the Balkans’, Working Paper No. 9, Mediterranean Migration Observatory, UEHR, Panteion University. Available at:

‘Implementing the EU Anti-discrimination Directives in Greece: Between “marketisation” and social exclusion’, Working Paper No. 8, Mediterranean Migration Observatory, UEHR, Panteion University. Available at:

‘Migration into southern Europe: non-legality and labour markets in the region’, Working Paper No. 6, Mediterranean Migration Observatory, UEHR, Panteion University. Available at:

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