Terminological database

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A terminological database is an online reference work about specialized terms.

Inter-Active Terminology for Europe (IATE)

Inter-Active Terminology for Europe is a project that was launched in 1999. IATE incorporates all of the previously existing European databases into a single new database, with 1.4 million terms in about 20 European languages

Grand Dictionnaire terminologique (GDT)

Grand Dictionnaire terminologique or GDT (formerly Banque de terminologie du Québec or BTQ) is Office québécois de la langue française's terminological database. CD versions and an online version can be found for this database, with English and French terms and some in Latin.


Termium is a multilingual proprietary terminological database by the government of Canada's Translation Bureau with more than 3 500 000 terms, most of them in French and in English, some of them in Spanish and a few in Latin. Termium can be found on CDs, as an online free version (Termimum Light) and as an online non-free version (Termium Plus).