
Baseball is a sport in which two teams, which normally consist of 9 players per team, compete for 9 innings. The team with the highest score after 9 innings is the winner. In the event of a tie, the two teams shall play additional innings until there is a clear winner. In each inning a team is given 3 outs. An out occurs: (1) when a ball that is hit in play is caught in the air, (2) when a ball that is hit on the ground beats a runner to a base, or (3) if a batter swings and misses 3 pitches. The field of play in baseball consists of an infield and an outfield. The infield has 3 bases and a home plate. Play starts at home plate. The opposing pitcher throws the ball toward home plate where the batter tries to put the ball into play. When the ball is put into play, the batter tries to advance to 1st base. If the batter gets to first base before the opposing team can throw the ball there and secure it, then he is safe. If the opposing team throws and secures the ball before the batter arrives at first base, then the batter is called out. The idea for the offensive (batting) team is to continue around the basepath in a counterclockwise motion and get to each base (1st, 2nd & 3rd) without getting thrown out or tagged out. The final touch is to make it back to home plate without getting thrown out or tagged out. Once a batter crosses home plate, the offensive team is awarded a run. The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins.
Baseball is a sport of statistics with records kept for every facet of a players career from batting average to innings pitched. The all time leaders in areas such as Home Runs and Strikeouts are revered by fans of all teams.