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Desktop screenshot of BeOS R5.0.1 PE
Developer: Be Inc.
OS family: BeOS
Source model: Closed source
Latest stable release: BeOS R5.0.3 / March, 2000
Supported platforms: AT&T Hobbit, x86, PowerPC
Kernel type: Modular hybrid kernel
Default user interface: Graphical user interface
License: proprietary
Working state: Stopped

BeOS is an operating system for personal computers which began development by Be Inc. in 1991. It was first written to run on BeBox hardware and, unlike some other operating systems of the time, BeOS was written from scratch and took therefore advantage of modern hardware. Optimized for digital media work, its GUI was developed on the principles of clarity and a clean, uncluttered design.



BeOS made full use of multiprocessor systems by utilizing modular I/O bandwidth, pervasive multithreading, preemptive multitasking and a custom 64-bit journaled file system known as BFS. The API was written in C++ for ease of programming. It has POSIX compatibility and access to a command line interface through the bash shell, although internally it is not a Unix-derived operating system.


Release Date Architecture
DR1 - DR5 (Developer Release) October 1995 AT&T Hobbit
DR6 January 1996 PowerPC
DR7 April 1996
DR8 September 1996
Advanced Access Preview Release May 1997
PR1 (Preview Release) June 1997
PR2 October 1997
R3 March 1998 PowerPC
Intel x86
R3.1 June 1998
R3.2 July 1998
R4 November 1998
R4.5 "Genki" June 1999
R5 PE/Pro "Maui" March 2000
R5.1 "Dano" November 2001 Intel x86


See also

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