Albert Kotin/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Albert Kotin.
See also changes related to Albert Kotin, or pages that link to Albert Kotin or to this page or whose text contains "Albert Kotin".

Parent topics

  • New York School abstract expressionism [r]: Started in New York City. It was the dominant movement in American painting in the late 1940s and the 1950s, characterized by a desire to convey powerful emotions through the sensuous qualities of paint, often on canvases of huge size. [e]
  • Abstract expressionism [r]: Style of visual art characterized by bold gestures, physicality and spontaneity of process, heroic scale, and the introspection of the artist. [e]
  • Action painting [r]: The American painter discovered a new function for art as the action that belonged to himself [1]



  • Abstract impressionism [r]: A tendency of the avant–garde, first appearing at the end of World War II, that transposed nature into its purely plastic values (lines and color). The artwork is characterized by the search for a vibrant, chromatic atmosphere, bringing them close to the impressionistic tradition. [e]


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