Edmund Heines

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Edmund Heines (1897-1934) was a WW1 German lieutenant who belonged to the Freikorps Rossbach, and then was a member of the Sturmabteilung (SA). In the latter, he was one of the homosexual proteges of Ernst Roehm. Machtan writes he was one of Roehm's lovers in the 1920s. [1] He was also an associate of Karl Ernst and Alfons Sack.

He wass expelled from SA 1927 for notorious homosexuality but reïnstated by Ernst Roehm as SA-Obergruppenführer for Silesia 1931, where he was associated with several murders. He also was a NSDAP Reichstag deputy. Heines had told counterintelligence investigator Walther Korrodi, in 1933, "Adolf hasn't the slightest reason to open his trap so wide — one remark from me and he'll shut up for good!"[2]

On the Night of the Long Knives, Hitler and his entourage surprised him with a male bedmate. Joseph Goebbels, who saw this, said "A disgusting scene, which made me fell like vomiting." Heines appealed to Victor Lutzeclaiming innocence, but Lutze said he could do nothing.[3] He was either shot on the spot, or shot with the first group.

His brother, Oskar, was also killed in the purge.


  1. Lothar Machtan (2001), The Hidden Hitler, Basic Books, p. 185
  2. Machten, pp. 211-212
  3. John Toland (1976), Adolf Hitler, Doubleday, p. 339