Abortion/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Abortion.
See also changes related to Abortion, or pages that link to Abortion or to this page or whose text contains "Abortion".

Parent topics

  • Ethics [r]: The branch of philosophy dealing with standards of good and evil. [e]
  • Family planning [r]: In the era of "birth control", this term usually refers specifically to decisions by married couples about when and how frequently to have children. [e]
  • Medical ethics [r]: The study of moral values as they apply to medicine. [e]


Other related topics

  • Adoption [r]: In childcare, a legal act in which existing parental rights are terminated and are instead granted to adoptive parents. [e]
  • Infanticide [r]: Intentionally causing the death of an infant [e]
  • Licensing parents [r]: An idea for controlling the quality or quantity of a population. [e]