Night of the Long Knives/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Night of the Long Knives.
See also changes related to Night of the Long Knives, or pages that link to Night of the Long Knives or to this page or whose text contains "Night of the Long Knives".

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Ernst Beissner (arrested in the Purge, expelled from the SA, though later was Kreisleiter and received the Golden Party Pin)

Leonhardt graf Du Moulin Eckart (Born Jan. 11, 1900, doctor at law, SA, homosexual associate of Röhm, chief of the Nazi Party's information service in the Brown House in 1932. Hid during Blood Purge, arrested afterwards and confined at Dachau. Indicted for procuring and for unnatural sexual intercourse on Oct. 21, 1934, having provided his apartment to Röhm for homosexual activities; acquitted)

Theodore Düsterberg (1895-1950, WW1 officer, Stahlhelm founder, DNVP, Arrested after Blood Purge)

Hermann Ehrhardt (1881-1971, WW1 naval officer, Freikorpsfürher, Kapp Putsch instigator. Upon arrival of the Gestapo, he fled to the woods of his estate with a couple of shot-guns, was later smuggled to Austria by friends, where he lived in exile even after the Anschluss. Erroneously listed among the dead by French Ambassador François-Poncet)

Paul Giesler (Born 15. Jun. 1895 in Siegen. arrested in the Purge, expelled from the SA, though later was Gauleiter of München-Oberbayern (1944 - 1945). Committed Suicide 8 May 1945, at Berchtesgaden, along with his wife)

Alexander Glaser (attorney to Kurt Lüdecke, arrested during Blood Purge)

Hans Elard Ludin (1905-1947, Reichswehr officer 1924-1930, under fortress arrest for Nazi political activities 1930-1931, SA-Obergruppenführer, Leader of SA Group Southwest 1933. Arrested during Blood Purge. Later Minister to Slovakia Jan 1941-1945, convicted by a Czech court in Slovakia, sentenced to death by firing squad. Executed at Bratislava (Pressburg) 9 December 1947)

Gerd Luetgebrune (Attorney to Röhm. Arrested during Blood Purge)

Georges Mappes (Arrested in the Purge, expelled from the SA, though later was NSDAP Orstgruppenleiter he received the Golden Party Pin)

Fritz von Papen (1879 - 1969, Ex-Reichswehr, Catholic Center Party, Herrenklub, Chancellor (1932-33), Vice Chancellor. Placed under house arrest for three days during Blood Purge)

Rolf Reiner (SS-Gruppenführer, arrested but not executed)

Gerhard Roßbach (1893 - 1967, WW1 Veteran, Decorated Officer, Freikorpsführer, Munich Putsch. Arrested during Blood Purge)

Dr. Alfons Sack (Attorney, homosexual associate of Röhm, Heines, and Ernst. Arrested during Blood Purge)

Karl Schreyer (SA-Gruppenführer. Arrested in Berlin and taken to Columbia House. About to be shot at 4AM, 2 July 1934, when the order to stop all executions came from the Führer)

Paul Schulz (Ex-Reichswehr Oberleutnant, associate of Strasser. Deeply anti-Socialist he strove to keep the socialists Strasser and Röhm separated by homophobic baiting Hitler and Strasser. Out of power following the Strasser/Schleicher incident, he had earned Hitler’s enmity by imprudent homophobic statements. Arrested June 30 in Berlin and driven out towards a lonely stretch of woods near Potsdam, he was shot while running away and played dead. When his captors went back to the car for something to wrap the body in, he bolted up and ran off in the woods. To escape dogs, he hid in the waters of the Nuthe stream. He made his way to the house of retired admiral Lübbert where he hid while an amnesty was negotiated with Hitler through a third party)

Gertrude Strasser (Wife of Otto Strasser. Arrested in Berlin, 30 June 1934 by the Gestapo, tortured and held for several weeks, while pending shipment to a concentration camp she escaped to Prague)

Otto Strasser (Born at Geisenfeld in 1897, WW1 officer, freikorpskämpfer, Ex-SPD, NW Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Ex-NSDAP, Black Front leader. Attempted assassination, 30 June 1934, in Vienna)

Gottfried Treviranus (1881-1971, politician, ex-DNVP, founder of People’s Conservative Union, minister in Brüning cabinet. Barely escaped arrest during Blood Purge, exiled to England)

Ernst Udet (1896-1941, SA Air Squadron Führer. Invited to Gauleiter Wagner’s banquet/trap on Munich 30 June 1934, he was the only one to escape from the banquet room, albeit dazed and with a large gash on his forehead, when he ran into Hitler, who told him to leave immediately)

Reprieved by Goering

Rudolf Diels (1900 - 1957. WW1 veteran, lawyer, Prussian police from 1930, Gestapo investigator of the Reichstag fire, protegé of Göring, forced from office by Heydrich and Himmler. Prosecution witness at Nürnberg)

Frederick Wilhelm Viktor August Ernst Hohenzollern , Kronprinz von Preußen (1882 - 1951)

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