User talk:Howard Arvi Hughes

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I am known as Versuri
--Versuri 04:52, 22 November 2006 (CST)

Category:CZ Live

Peter, Are "CZ Live" all articles that you added the category "Games Workgroup"? R.Versuri 18:21, 20 November 2006 (CST)

  • No, I'm just marking articles that I believe fall under "Games" better than "Hobbies", "Sports" or "Other Recreation". - Peter Blake 18:23, 20 November 2006 (CST)
    • Whoops - I re-read Larry's e-mail and realised that this isn't what he asked for. All these tags may well be swept away by the next pull of content from WP. Thanks for the heads-up Rilson. - Peter Blake 18:28, 20 November 2006 (CST)

Bringing articles to Top level in Literature (and elsewhere)

Hi Versuri,

Thanks for tagging these articles. I haven't checked, but do be sure to add a CZ_LIve tag as well, else when the CZ is "refreshed" from WP these tags will be overwritten (see Peter Blake's note above). That's why I only want to tag articles that really will be taken live, that is, articles that someone has committed to and will be substantially improving!


Russell Potter 16:58, 23 November 2006 (CST)

  • Russel, take a look at Larry's email. It is not necessary that the article is live to tag "Category:XYZ Workgroup (Top)". --Versuri 17:16, 23 November 2006 (CST)

Sorry, but this was just never made clear. Russell is right to say that if CZ Live isn't added to an article, then it might be overwritten--that's what we've said, anyway. But, on the other hand, when updating articles, we can sort on all sorts of categories for purposes of deciding what not to update. So we can say: update all articles except ones in the categories "CZ Live" or "...(Top)". So I think we ought to clarify the policy by saying that "CZ Live" is reserved for only those articles on which we have done significant work. So, in the end, the number of "CZ Live" articles should be the number of articles we've made significant changes to.

Actually, I would hope that before too long we won't need a "CZ Live" tag because "articles we've worked on" will be counted (and displayed a special way) automatically.

Happy Thanksgiving! --Larry Sanger 18:07, 23 November 2006 (CST)