User talk:Henry A. Padleckas/Sandbox

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Revision as of 00:53, 24 November 2009 by imported>Henry A. Padleckas (→‎Talk page for: Chemical plant: mentioned specific edits by others in WP; mentioned differences in images; updated intro section status)
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Link to: User:Henry A. Padleckas/Sandbox

Talk page for: Chemical plant

Although I did not start Wikipedia (WP) article "Chemical plant", I wrote almost all of it myself. When I first came across the article, it was just a short stub. Since I wrote practically the whole article myself just the way I wanted to, of course I think it's written about as well as it could be; otherwise I would have written it differently. In this sense, I'm biased about how it's written. I wrote it in a fairly simple way so the average non-technical guy can understand it, and yet it mentions practically all the main fundamental points I want to mention. It would be ridiculous for me to rewrite an article that I mostly consider about as well written as it could be just to make it different for Citizendium (CZ). Since I wrote it, a few people have added a few things, and these additions are mostly good edits that I agree with. Although someone else put them in here, mentioning cost studies for initial design screening, the Hazop or fault tree analysis, and briefly the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards regulation in the United States are good ideas related to a chemical plant, so I left those in here. I would rather transfer those edits over to CZ as they are. Nevertheless, I am making a few edits that introduce some differences between the WP (as of Nov. 21, 2009) and future CZ versions. Besides the WP-specific categories, foreign language links, and "See also" section taken out of the WP version for CZ, these differences are listed here:

  • took out image(s) not present in CZ; replaced them with pictures I found in CZ
Two of the images (distillation towers photo and oil refinery block diagram) are the same as in WP, and the other images are different. In fact, the CZ version has more images now.
  • reorganized/clarified parts of the introductory section
  • moved a couple sentences from intro to a new subsection called "Location"
  • mentioned stirred tank reactors in CZ version
  • mentioned lagging in CZ version
  • mentioned demonstration plants in CZ version (refs yet to be added)
  • mentioned operating procedures in CZ version
  • some other minor rewording
  • WP has a sentence about tank farm because there is a WP link to existing "Tank farm" article there, but this CZ does not have this sentence.
  • I may add something about hazards at chemical plants - yet to be done
  • perhaps look for a reference to add some day (I have to find it.) - yet to be done
  • I will look for some pictures already present in CZ to add - done for now
  • create Definition (done) and maybe other subpages - yet to be done
  • My plant engineering experience has been all in the United States, so I am [somewhat] familiar with the statutory and regulatory compliance I mentioned in the article, but I admit my knowledge and coverage in the article is not worldwide, although elsewhere in the world, things would be somewhat similar. If anybody wants to expand this coverage to provide a worldwide view, they will have their chance once I move this article into an article space.

Henry A. Padleckas 19:46, 22 November 2009 (UTC)