Erlang (programming language)/Tutorials/guards
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Erlang Guards
Guard structures
Legal guards in Erlang are boolean functions placed after the key word, "when" and before the arrow, "->". Guards may appear as part of a function definition, 'receive' 'if', 'case' and 'try/catch' expressions.
We can use a guard in a function definition
Example program: guardian.erl
-module(guardian). -compile(export_all). the_answer_is(N) when N == 42 -> true; the_answer_is(N) -> false. % ============================================= >% % % Example output: % % c(guardian). % ok % % guardian:the_answer_is(42). % true % % guardian:the_answer_is(21). % false
and Fun definition
F = fun(N) when N == 42 -> true; (N) -> false end.
receive expression
receive {answer, N} when N == 42 -> true; {answer, N} -> false end.
if expression
if N == 42 -> true; true -> false end.
case expression
case L of {answer, N} when N == 42 -> true; _ -> false end.
and try/catch
try find(L) of {answer, N} when N == 42 -> true; _ -> false catch {notanumber, R} when is_list(R) -> alist; {notanumber, R} when is_float(R) -> afloat _ -> noidea end.
You will notice that in these examples it would be clearer to remove the guard and modify the pattern matching instead.
Literate programming note: Anonymous match variables that start with an underscore like "_" are not generally recommended. Rather, it is nice to use some descriptive variable name like "_AnyNode". On the otherhand, for tutorial code like this, a descriptive variable is more distracting than helpful.
case L of {node, N} when N == 42 -> true; _AnyNode -> false end.
Guard functions
There are several built-in-functions (BIFs) which may be used in a guard. Basically we are limited to checking the type with, is_type(A) and the length of some types with, type_size() or length(L) for a list length.
is_alive/0 is_boolean/1 is_builtin/3 is_constant/1 is_float/1 is_function/2 is_function( Z, Arity) is_function/1 is_integer/1 is_list/1 is_number/1 is_pid/1 is_port/1 is_process_alive/1 is_record/3 is_record/2 is_reference/1 is_tuple/1 length(Z) > N
A > B greater than A < B less than A == B equal to A =< B equal to or greater than (notice non-standard notation) A >= B greater than or equal to (notice non-standard notation) A /= B not equal A =:= B exactly equal A =/= B exactly not equal
Note: all erlang data types have a natural sort order.
atom < reference < port < pid < tuple < list ...
Guards can be compound expressions.
the_answer_is(N) when N == 42, is_integer(N) -> true;