Erlang (programming language)/Tutorials
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Erlang Language Programming Tutorials
Simple Types
Advanced Types
Hello World (serial)
Hello World (parallel)
Prime Sieve (parallel with linda type coordination)
% This is a simple linda tuplespace. Here we use it to find primes numbers. % This tuple-space can not have duplicate tuples, but with a prime sieve it does % not matter.
start() -> start(100). % defualt value for max is 100 start(Max) -> io:format(" Loading ~w numbers into matrix (+N) \n ", [ Max ] ), Lid = spawn_link( primes, linda, [Max, [], [] ]), Sqrt = round(math:sqrt(Max)+0.5), io:format(" Sqrt(~w) + 1 = ~w \n " , [Max,Sqrt] ), io:format(" Tuple space is started ~n ",[]), io:format(" ~w sieves are spawning (+PN) ~n ", [Sqrt] ), io:format(" Non prime sieves are being halted (-PN) ~n ", [] ), % load numbers into tuplespace % and spawn seive process spawn( primes, put_it, [Max, Max, Lid] ).
sleep(N) -> receive after N -> time_is_up end.
start_sieves(Lid) -> Lid ! {self(), get, all, pids}, receive {lindagram, pids, Pids} -> done end, start_sieve_loop(Pids).
start_sieve_loop([]) -> done; start_sieve_loop([Pid|Pids]) -> receive after 100 -> done end, Pid ! {start}, start_sieve_loop(Pids).
spawn_sieves( _Max, Sqrt, _Lid, Sqrt ) -> done; spawn_sieves( Max, Inc, Lid, Sqrt ) -> T = 1000, Pid = spawn( primes, sieve, [ Max, Inc+Inc, Inc, Lid, T ]), Name = list_to_atom("P" ++ integer_to_list(Inc)), Lid ! {put, pid, Name}, register( Name, Pid), io:format(" +~s ", [atom_to_list(Name)]), spawn_sieves( Max, Inc+1, Lid, Sqrt ).
put_it(Max, N, Lid) when N =< 1 -> Sqrt = round(math:sqrt(Max)+0.5), spawn_sieves( Max, 2, Lid, Sqrt );
put_it(Max, N,Lid) when N > 1 -> receive after 0 -> Lid ! {put, N, N}, if N rem 1000 == 0 -> io:format(" +~w ", [N]); true -> done end, put_it(Max, N-1,Lid) end.
% the 2 sieve starts last and has the most to do so it finishes last sieve(Max, N, 2, Lid, _T) when N > Max -> io:format("final sieve ~w done, ~n", [2] ), Lid ! {dump,output};
sieve(Max, N, Inc, _Lid, _T) when N > Max -> io:format("sieve ~w done ", [Inc] );
sieve(Max, N, Inc, Lid, T) when N =< Max -> receive after T -> NT = 0 end, receive {lindagram,Number} when Number =/= undefined -> clearing_the_queue; {exit} -> exit(normal) after 1 -> done end,
% remove multiple of number from tuple-space Lid ! {self(), get, N}, Some_time = (N rem 1000)==0, if Some_time -> io:format("."); true -> done end,
% remove (multiple of Inc) from sieve-process space Name = list_to_atom("P" ++ integer_to_list(N)), Exists = lists:member( Name, registered()), if Exists -> Name ! {exit}, io:format(" -~s ", [atom_to_list(Name)] ); true -> done end, sieve(Max, N+Inc, Inc, Lid, NT). % next multiple %% linda is a simple tutple space %% if it receives no messages for 2 whole seconds it dumps its contents %% as output and halts
linda(Max, Keys, Pids) -> receive {put, pid, Pid} -> linda(Max, Keys, Pids++[Pid]); {put, Name, Value} -> put( Name, Value), linda(Max, Keys++[Name], Pids); {From, get, Name} -> From ! {lindagram, get( Name)}, erase( Name ), % get is a desructive read linda(Max, Keys--[Name],Pids); {From, get, all, pids} -> From ! {lindagram, pids, Pids}, linda(Max, Keys, Pids ); {From, get, pid, Pid} -> L1 = length( Pids ), L2 = length( Pids -- [Pid]), if L1 > L2 -> % if it exists From ! {lindagram, pid, Pid}; true -> From ! {lindagram, pid, undefined} end, linda(Max, Keys, Pids ); {dump,output} -> io:format(" ~w final primes remain: ~w ~n ", [length(Keys), lists:sort(Keys) ]) after (100*Max) -> % if there is not tuple action after some time then print the results io:format(" ~w primes remain: ~w ~n ", [length(Keys), lists:sort(Keys) ]) end.
Sample Output
c(primes). primes:start(1000). Loading 1000 numbers into matrix (+N) Sqrt(1000) + 1 = 32 Tuple space is started 32 sieves are spawning (+PN) Non prime sieves are being halted (-PN) +1000 <0.46.0> +P2 +P3 +P4 +P5 +P6 +P7 +P8 +P9 +P10 +P11 +P12 +P13 +P14 +P15 +P16 +P17 +P18 +P19 +P20 +P21 +P22 +P23 +P24 +P25 +P26 +P27 +P28 +P29 +P30 +P31 -P8 -P6 -P4 -P9 -P12 -P10 -P15 -P15 -P18 -P14 -P21 -P21 -P22 -P26 -P20 -P24 -P25 -P27 -P28 -P30 -P30 -P16 sieve 31 done sieve 29 done sieve 19 done sieve 23 done sieve 11 done sieve 13 done sieve 17 done sieve 7 done .sieve 5 done sieve 3 done .final sieve 2 done, 168 final primes remain: [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67, 71,73,79,83,89,97, 101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163, 167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199, 211,223,227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293, 307,311,313,317,331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389,397, 401,409,419,421,431,433,439,443,449,457,461,463,467,479,487,491, 499,503,509,521,523,541,547,557,563,569,571,577,587,593,599, 601,607,613,617,619,631,641,643,647,653,659,661,673,677,683,691, 701,709,719,727,733,739,743,751,757,761,769,773,787,797, 809,811,821,823,827,829,839,853,857,859,863,877,881,883,887, 907,911,919,929,937,941,947,953,967,971,977,983,991,997]