User:Eoin Mac Lachlan

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Revision as of 12:02, 26 June 2008 by imported>Eoin Mac Lachlan (→‎Articles I Wish To Work On)
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I am from Ireland. One of my greatest hobbies is reading, Wuthering Heights being one of my favourite books, though I also enjoy some sport - badminton and tennis being the chief sports of my liking.

I have particular interest in architecture, engineering, history and politics. I support Fianna Fail in my own country and really like the Democrats in the U.S - Hillary Clinton in particular.

Articles & Topics I Wish To Work On

  1. Pantheon
  2. Eiffel Tower
  3. Egyptian Gods (general)
  4. U2 Tower
  5. Hagia Sophia
  6. Colosseum
  7. German History
  8. Sean Quinn
  9. Ryanair
  10. Michael O'Leary

Articles I Have Worked On

  1. Artemis Fowl
  2. John Grisham
  3. Agatha Christie
  4. Ptah
  5. Seth
  6. Ra
  7. Batt O'Keefe
  8. Imhotep
  9. Templeogue College