Cesária Évora

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Cesária Évora (27 August 1941 - 17 December 2011), born in the port town of Mindelo on the Cape Verde island of São Vicente was a folk singer.


  1. La Diva aux pieds nus - 1988
  2. Distino di Belita - 1990
  3. Mar Azul - 1991
  4. Miss Perfumado - 1992
  5. Sodade, Les Plus Belles Mornas De Cesaria - 1994
  6. Cesaria - 1995
  7. Cabo Verde - 1997
  8. Cafe Atlantico - 1999
  9. Sao Vicente de Longe - 2001
  10. Cesaria Evora Anthology - 2002
  11. Live in Paris (DVD) - 2002
  12. Club Sodade - 2003
  13. Voz D'amor - 2003
  14. Club Sodade - Cesaria Evora by... - 2003
  15. Live D'Amor (DVD) - 2004
  16. Rogamar - 2006