RF electronics/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about RF electronics.
See also changes related to RF electronics, or pages that link to RF electronics or to this page or whose text contains "RF electronics".

Parent topics

  • Radio [r]: Transmission and reception of information, which can be voice, data or imagery over electromagnetic radiation in free space (i.e., wireless). The information is modulated onto a carrier wave [e]
  • Radar [r]: Acronym for "radio detection and ranging"; a system used to locate a distant object by transmission of radio waves and reception of their reflection. [e]
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance [r]: A property that magnetic nuclei have in a magnetic field and applied electromagnetic (EM) pulse, which cause the nuclei to absorb energy from the EM pulse and radiate this energy back out. [e]
    • Magnetic resonance imaging [r]: The use of magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation to visualize internal structures of non-magnetic objects non-destructively. [e]


Other related topics