Talk:Eric Holder

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Revision as of 14:44, 12 August 2009 by imported>Howard C. Berkowitz (→‎Holder confirmation)
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Holder confirmation

I have found no evidence that any Democrat was willing to entertain the issues raised by Republicans. The closest one could come to such a statement is: (1) if you include Charles Schumer's condemnation of Holder's actions back in 2001, or (2) if you count Arlen Specter as a Democrat avant la lettre. But Chuck did not repeat his criticism of 2001 when Holder was nominated and instead called him an outstanding pick. What prominent Democrats made a big deal out of it? I have not yet found any name of Democrats who complained but I've only searched around for less than an hour.

An additional problem with the phrase "some senators" is that it excludes Representatives in the House and all other Republicans who raised the issue. Since a good many Republicans did not object to Holder's appointment (including Orrin Hatch, for instance) "some Republicans" is perhaps the better way to phrase this. I do not disagree that the issue was a legitimate one to raise but it became, unfortunately, a partisan issue. Smoothing over that aspect in CZ just because one has a distaste for partisanship is not doing anyone a favor. Michel van der Hoek 19:36, 12 August 2009 (UTC)

I can live with "some Republicans", but I do believe that "smoothing" over generalizations about Republican vs. Democrat, conservative vs. liberal, is quite appropriate. Partisanship has its place, but not simply to throw about as a sound bite.
It would, for example, not be inappropriate to discuss how Holder's nomination was specifically made a partisan issue. That can be documented. Simply saying undifferentiated Republicans disliked it, however, does not add substance to the article.
As you say, not all Republicans objected, so whether or not any Democrats made a "big deal of it" isn't especially relevant. Believe it or not, the United States is not a parliamentary democracy and not everything happens on party lines, much as that might disappoint Karl Rove, James Carville, and Mary Matalin. Not every disagreement is treason, regardless of what Ann Coulter might have to say; I prefer the opinions of Theodore Roosevelt on dissent. Howard C. Berkowitz 19:44, 12 August 2009 (UTC)