Acting (to act) In the theatre acting is understood as the portrayal of the physical, emotional and mental complexities of a given character.
Bain, David, Actors and Audience: A Study of Asides and related Conventions in Greek Drama, Oxford University Press. 1977.
Benedetti, Jean, Stanislavski: An Introduction, Theatre Arts Books, New York, 1982.
Benedetti, Robert L., Seeming, Being and Becoming: Acting in our Century Drama Book Specialists, New York, 1976.
Bertram, Joseph, Acting Shakespeare, Theatre Arts Books, New York, 1981.
Butcher, S.H., Trans. Aristotle’s Theory of Poetry and Fine Art. Dover Publications, Inc., New York 1951.
Chaikin Joseph, The Presence of the Actor, Atheneum, New York, 1977.
Cohen, Robert., Acting Power, Mayfield Publishing Company, 1978
Cohen, Robert., Acting One, Mayfield Publishing Company, 1984.
Cole, Toby, & Chinoy, Helen Krich, eds. Actors on Acting, Crown Publishers, New York, 1959.
D’Angelo, Aristide, The Actor Creates, Samuel French, New York, 1945
Gordon, Mel, Lazzi: Comic routines of the Commedia dell’ Arte, Performing Arts Journal Publication, New York, 1983
Hagen, Uta, Respect for Acting., Collier Macmillan, London, 1976.
Hethmon, Robert H., Strasberg at The Actors Studio, The Viking Press Inc. 1968.
Lewis, Robert, Method or Madness. Samuel French, Inc. New York.1958.
Magarshack, David, Stanislavsky on the Art of the Stage, Faber and Faber Ltd. London.1973.
Moore, Sonia, The Stanislavski System, Penguin Books, 1976.
Olivier, Laurence, On Acting, (Sceptre edition) Hodder and Stoughton Ltd. Kent.1987.
Stanislavski, Konstantin, An Actor Prepares, Trans. Elizabeth Reynolds Hapood, Theatre Arts Books, New York, 1961.
Redgrave, Michael, The Actor’s Ways and Means, Mercury Books, London, 1966.
Stanislavski, Konstantin, Building a Character, Trans. Elizabeth Reynolds Hapood, Theatre Arts Books, New York, 1949.
Stanislavski, Konstantin, Creating A Role, Trans. Elizabeth Reynolds Hapood, Theatre Arts Books, New York, 1983.
Stanislavski, Konstantin, Stanislavski’s Legacy, Trans. Elizabeth Reynolds Hapood, Theatre Arts Books, New York, 1968.
Stanislavski, Konstantin, An Actor’s Handbook, Trans. Elizabeth Reynolds Hapood, Theatre Arts Books, New York, 1963.