User talk:Hugh Ching/Talk Hugh Ching

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While interesting material, a personal essay really belongs on your user page, rather than in mainspace. Articles about oneself are specifically banned from mainspace. Howard C. Berkowitz 18:44, 13 February 2009 (UTC)

text moved by a Constable from the article "Hugh Ching"

It is best to describe me as a pure thinker. A pure thinker spends time mostly in thinking. Classical thinkers, such as Decartes, Hume, Spinoza, Kant, and modern thinkers, such as Marx, Friedman, Kunii, Ramamoorthy, Feyerabend, are pure thinkers.

The spirits of the pure thinkers of the past, the present, and the future reinforce each other and merge into one knowledge, generally, dissociated from the culture of the time. Pure thinkers are time travelers of cultures. For my own journey, I have progressed through my thinking from the current Age of Science to the Age of Social Science to the Age of Life Science to the Age of Robots to the Age of Self-Creation, each of which is separated from the next by about 500 years.

I live in relative isolation, associating mostly only with my fellow thinkers and "toy people" who, the best I can speculate, are created by our creators to accompany themselves. To reinvigorate myself for thinking, I live a life, far more fun than most people. The accompany picture shows my student Chien Yi Lee who, being a toy human, admires my knowledge and a girl, who admires my Jumpulse Dance. I make money only when I have the need.

The knowledge of thinkers becomes useful when the society has the need of the knowledge. I do not promote my knowledge when there is no need, but use it for the benefit of myself and my friends. For most of my life, I am financially and socially independent.

I believe that the first two years after, during, and prior my birth my brain was well calibrated for intelligence by my mother, who was an education major. When I was twelve in Japan, I realized one day in a sudden flash that my mind was brainwashed by Chiang Kai-shek when I stayed in Taiwan from six to twelve and subsequently started a process of self-deprogramming. So, I have a first-hand experience in the power of brainwashing.

I was formally trained at MIT with BS, MS, and ScD in electrical and nuclear engineering. I did my postdoctoral training at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, as my thinking gradually switched from practical to theoretical. With the blessing of Harold Grad and the support of Paul Feyerabend, my thinking vaulted from science to post-science, which is knowledge beyond science dealing mainly with social and life sciences.

The Age of Science deals with material world and the non-violable laws of nature in science. The standard of rigor of science is empirical verification. The Age of Social Science will be characterized by rational behavior and decision making based on non-violable laws of nature in social science. The rigors of social and sciences, due to their complexity, are mathematics and logic, respectively. In the Age of Life Science, human beings will start to participate in the universal goal of the creation of permanent living systems. The Age will be based on the requirement of permanence or the solution of complete automation, which characterizes life.

The first permanent or completely automated human creation will be self-manufactured general purpose robots, with the ability of touch so that they will be able to replace all human physical labors. These robots will be programmed with completely automated software, which I invented, to improve robots. In the Age of Self-Creation, mankind will create itself as the final stage of robot development. Ta-You Wu and I solved the problem of touch.

When we start to self-create, we will know from our own design specification the meaning of life and the purpose of our existence. To me, the meaning of life is in its value, and the purpose of existence is self-creation. In 2000, I patented the solution of value.


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official CZ policy on self-promotion


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In other words, your article may, under the above guidelines, be deleted completely. Hayford Peirce 06:24, 14 February 2009 (UTC) Constable