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You're not in bad company, I too see problems here of neutrality as well as accuracy and balance. One problem is no mention of the Jewish terrorist groups operating before and in the early days of the modern Israel. Another is neglect of the IRA and its terror campaign (quite extensively funded by American sympathisers).[[User:Gareth Leng|Gareth Leng]] 11:34, 22 November 2007 (CST)
You're not in bad company, I too see problems here of neutrality as well as accuracy and balance. One problem is no mention of the Jewish terrorist groups operating before and in the early days of the modern Israel. Another is neglect of the IRA and its terror campaign (quite extensively funded by American sympathisers).[[User:Gareth Leng|Gareth Leng]] 11:34, 22 November 2007 (CST)
::Well, this article looks very much like something from Wikipedia to me. There exists a substantial academic literature on terrorism and political violence [even a journal with that very title] and the article has not one reference to academic sources. Everything seems to be American state propaganda, with a little from the UN. In terms of content and definitions, these are very peculiar and do not reflect mainstream views at all. I do not know why this article was approved. --[[User:Martin Baldwin-Edwards|Martin Baldwin-Edwards]] 11:58, 22 November 2007 (CST)

Revision as of 12:58, 22 November 2007

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 Definition An act, with targets including civilians or civilian infrastructure, intended to create an atmosphere of fear in order to obtain a political objective. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup categories Military, Politics and History [Categories OK]
 Talk Archive 1, 2  English language variant British English


Want any more for this? Stephen Ewen 00:21, 27 June 2007 (CDT)

Yes this could use some more images. --Charles Sandberg 05:45, 27 June 2007 (CDT)
Charles, about the AK-47 image caption. "...low cost and high numbers." I would recommend a chance to "...low cost and high availability." Additionally, if the AK-47 is a highly reliable weapon, it's probably worthy of mention as a reason why it's popular.--Robert W King 09:13, 28 June 2007 (CDT)
Done --Charles Sandberg 15:46, 28 June 2007 (CDT)


I've taught this topic before in philosophy classes and one of the most difficult aspects of the topic is, of course, the definition. We must, therefore, get that topic right. "Terrorism refers to any act, usually violent, meant to coerce behavior for political ends." This will not do. By this definition, all arrests by police officers are terrorism, given the "political end" of maintaining law and order. I'm not sure we should begin with any particular definition at all, since there is no agreed definition. Also, there are some who deny the existence of "state terrorism," or who find the concept problematic. Therefore, to assert, without qualification, that "armies, police, and intelligence services" commit terrorism is to take a stand on that issue--which is contrary to CZ:Neutrality Policy. One last thing: I should think the obvious first example to give of a terrorist act would be the destruction of the World Trade Center, the most devasting and consequential single terrorist act ever--thus, we ought to have a picture of that at the top, before we have one of the OK City Federal Bldg bombing. --Larry Sanger 17:34, 5 July 2007 (CDT)

About 911, I was thinking about doing that and putting Oklahoma City down in the history section. --Charles Sandberg 17:37, 5 July 2007 (CDT)
The opening paragraph is a suitable encyclopedia-style definition; do not just read the first sentence! The article then does an unusually good job of discussing the definition issue, with citations and quotations from multiple authoritative sources. If someone has changes to make, please make them on the draft page. We need to get approvals moving along and changes in text or illustrations will just delay matters.Richard Jensen 17:42, 5 July 2007 (CDT)
I agree with Richard; the fullest sense of the term is extremely difficult to capture in the first sentence, but the first several sentences do so, and quite well. As for the image of the Oklahoma City bombing, I actually would strongly prefer it over one of 9/11, as it is a reminder that, however egregious 9/11 was, that this article is not about that event only, but about a complex social phenomenon which is not easily generalized. Russell Potter 17:59, 5 July 2007 (CDT)
I was thinking the same you were Russell, when I put the Oklahoma City pic in. I think we should keep it instead. --Charles Sandberg 18:20, 5 July 2007 (CDT)

Bad sentence in first paragraph

"Terrorists seek to obtain the influence among the population through the publicity of this violence" -- I don't know what, if anything, this means. It sounds like a very bad translation to me. Hayford Peirce 19:04, 5 July 2007 (CDT)

Thanks for noticing this -- have had a try at fixing it. Russell Potter 19:13, 5 July 2007 (CDT)

Infelicitous writing of first paragraph

There are only six sentences, a couple of which are quite long and have a genuine cadence to them. But of these six, four of them begin with the words "Terrorists" or "Terrorism". This is needlessly repetitious and grating to the eye and ear. The first two sentences, I think, could be merged, perhaps along the lines of: "Terrorism refers to any act, usually overtly violent, meant to coerce behavior for political ends, generally by bringing fear to a civilian population in order to obtain a specific political goal." I *really* dislike those two sentences -- each of them as a stand-alone is OK, but together they're bad. Hayford Peirce 19:20, 5 July 2007 (CDT)

yes but let's approve it tomorrow and then make small changes. Richard Jensen 19:25, 5 July 2007 (CDT)
Larry says that this is a very important article for him and CZ and that it should be as good as possible. Why not take a little time and polish it to perfection first? Why approve something that we *know* needs improving? Hayford Peirce 19:36, 5 July 2007 (CDT)
The new tag gives us 3 days. I think that's fine. Despite the headline I recently saw in the Weekly World News (Rome was built in a day!) the whole philosophy of our Approval process is geared to the idea of continual improvement. There's no "perfection" in this model, just the collective work of us all in (to quote Dr. Seuss) bettering and bettering the entry. Russell Potter 19:46, 5 July 2007 (CDT)

I think the first sentence of the article should say something true, or at least not obviously false, taken in itself. Before my recent addition, it said something obviously and straightforwardly false; now it's a little less so with "and usually against civilians." Hayford, your addition might also be an improvement. The fact that other sentences are intended to qualify it does not make its falsehood less problematic, I think.

Also, as to the picture, I am not persuaded by the argument that the OK City bombing picture is better because, if we use a picture of the WTC, people might think the article is only about 9/11. I doubt anybody would draw that conclusion. We should use a picture that is of either the most important, or else a representative act of terrorism--or else a montage. If representative, it should be Islamic terrorism, because most terrorism in recent years has been Islamic terrorism. This is true, even if it is not exactly PC to say it, and we do our readers a disservice by pretending that it is not. The OK City bombing was pretty unusual. Actually, for future reference, I think a montage would be best.

Finally, if we can do a better job than the Wikipedia article, I think we should. --Larry Sanger 20:02, 5 July 2007 (CDT)

APPROVED Version 1.0


There are some features of this article that to me seem surprising. There is no mention of the Irgun Zvai Leumi and related activities in 1931-1948, without which mention of the PLO seems overtly unbalanced. Nor is there any mention of the IRA, and its civilian bombing campaign.

On the other hand it seems surprising to me that assasination of political leaders should be classed as terrorism; should the various abortive US plots against Fidel Castro be mentioned in this context?

It seems to me naively that the "clean" line is to confine terrorism to meaning deliberate and indiscriminate attacks, outside the context of war, that target civilians in an attempt to achieve political change via the responses of that civilian population. This would exclude most actions of states against their own people, and would exclude for example the saturation bombing of cities.Gareth Leng 09:31, 9 July 2007 (CDT)

Gareth Leng makes some very good points. I agree there should be coverage of Irgun activities and the IRA. The assassination of political leaders, I agree, is not what we mean by terrorism. Government action is more debatable. The original Terror of the French Revolution was government action, as was a lot of totalitarian activity in 20th century (Stalin, Hitler, Mao etc). but that is usually handled outside the contect of terrorism because the full state apparatus is used. Terrorism is the weapon of the weak--of people who do not have a state apparatus. (The question of terror bombing of cities in WW2 is still another matter, which is handled by mainline military history. The goal was not political but economic disruption.) We approved this so we could move forward and I hope Gareth proposes additional new material. Richard Jensen 15:16, 9 July 2007 (CDT)
It is important to note that this is an individual editor approval and, as Richard has eluded, he cannot participate much in the way of content on the actual article according to our current rules. He can, however, make suggestions here on the talk page and let others actually do the editing. The other option is to wait for two new editors in the workgroup to sign on. --Matt Innis (Talk) 15:22, 9 July 2007 (CDT)


If this article is not changed soon, it shows to me that Citzendium does not work (yet).

Months ago two valid points were made, and nobody really disagreed with their substance.

Irgun Tsvai Le'umi (Etsel) [and Lehi (aka Stern Gang)] is/are missing. Etsel invented -- or didn't they -- placing bombs on market places used by the enemy ethnicity.

Targeteing political leaders follows outside of terrorism as I see it. I guess rather than only not mention the CIA targeting Fidel and the Assassins, the first sentence has to be editid slightly.

Terrorism refers to any act, nearly always violent, unpredictable, and chaotic in nature, often targeting XX civilians XX, intended to create an atmosphere of fear in order to obtain a political objective.

Maybe "randomly" after "civilians" or " "innocent" " before will do.

BTW, the first occurrence of the word the Academie Francaise has is 1852. The quote in footnote 1 is "terror (terrorist, terrorize)". Since this statement is made twice in the article, there should be real prove, or the reference should be to the English word describing the French situation, not to the French word -- or it should be phrased more cautiously. Compare the phrase from wikipedia "The word "terrorism" was first used in reference to the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution". ---- On rereading the to sentences in the article on French terorism I notice that I was to harsh. I got the impression, that the term was coined in French, whereas My impressions from the dictionaries is, that it was an English coinage. Maybe one could make this clearer in at leat one of the two sentences mentiong the same fact. Arno Schmitt 01:52, 16 November 2007 (CST)

MY OED says that it was indeed first used to describe the *State* terrorism of the French government. On the other hand, it *also* cites 1793 as the first use of it in today's sense, "The causes of rebellion, insurrection....terrorism, massacres, and revolutionary murders." Hayford Peirce 11:17, 16 November 2007 (CST)


This approved article states: "The French government under Robespierre systematically used terrorism during the French Revolution". This is -- in my view -- nonsense. As is stated elsewhere, terrorism is the weapon of the weak, used against soft, i.e. innocent, targets. It is not "state terrorism" when Stalin or Robespierre frighten their "own" citizen, but when United States Soldiers or Contractors RANDOMLY kill Iraqi and Afghan civilians. It is not state terrorism when a country at war tries to destroy the infrastructure of its enemy and there is some collateral damage, but when -- in the view of the speaer -- the "collateral damage" is the main aim, it is (in his view, of course)

"In the late 19th century small groups of revolutionary anarchists were formed. These anarchists successfully assassinated heads of state from Russia, France, Spain, Italy, and the United States." -- This is true but belongs rather to the articles Tyrannicide and Propaganda-by-Deed.

The Black Hand was a group active before World War I that was involved in the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria which was considered an act of terrorism that started the First World War. -- repetition of precending quote.

After World War I terrorism became an official policy in states such as Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. -- Nazi Germany called the partisans terrorists. If you don't use your judgment, but just write, what some people think. it's not worth the reading.

If I am the only person finding the article unacceptable, I am clearly in bad company and leave you alone. Arno Schmitt 12:25, 16 November 2007 (CST)

You're not in bad company, I too see problems here of neutrality as well as accuracy and balance. One problem is no mention of the Jewish terrorist groups operating before and in the early days of the modern Israel. Another is neglect of the IRA and its terror campaign (quite extensively funded by American sympathisers).Gareth Leng 11:34, 22 November 2007 (CST)

Well, this article looks very much like something from Wikipedia to me. There exists a substantial academic literature on terrorism and political violence [even a journal with that very title] and the article has not one reference to academic sources. Everything seems to be American state propaganda, with a little from the UN. In terms of content and definitions, these are very peculiar and do not reflect mainstream views at all. I do not know why this article was approved. --Martin Baldwin-Edwards 11:58, 22 November 2007 (CST)