M2 Bradley armored fighting vehicle/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about M2 Bradley armored fighting vehicle.
See also changes related to M2 Bradley armored fighting vehicle, or pages that link to M2 Bradley armored fighting vehicle or to this page or whose text contains "M2 Bradley armored fighting vehicle".

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Auto-populated based on Special:WhatLinksHere/M2 Bradley (armored fighting vehicle). Needs checking by a human.

  • M113 (armored personnel carrier) [r]: A lightly armored, fully tracked, box-shaped vehicle for carrying infantry and equipment, intended as a "battle taxi" to take its load to the edge of the battlefield; produced in the high tens of thousands [e]
  • M242 Bushmaster [r]: A 25mm autocannon used on a wide variety of land, sea, and air platforms [e]
  • Night vision devices [r]: Add brief definition or description
  • Tank (military) [r]: A large land combat vehicle that moves on continuous tracks rather than wheels, has its primary armament in a rotating armored turret, is armored against more than small arms fire, and, while it can be extremely effective in many combat situations, is optimized to kill other tanks [e]
  • United States Army [r]: Branch of the United States Armed Forces with the principal responsibility of conducting large-scale ground combat [e]